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Ustuu-Huree will be Opened Tomorrow

From July 4 to 6 in the town of Chadaana (in the Dzun-Khemchik district) the third Ustuu-Khuree Music Festival will be held. This festival is devoted to the restoration of a unique Buddhist temple, called Ustuu-Khuree (in Tuvan, "Upper Monastery"). The live music festival has many styles of music represented -- folk and rock-, pop- and jazz-musicians will participate in it. The idea for the Festival Ustuu-Khuree is that of Igor Dulush, founder of the rock group Internat, ex-boxer and a very observant Buddhist.
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Dina Oyun

Igor Koshkendei is Grand-Prix Winner in Khoomei-2002

Yesterday the International Festival of throatsinging finished in Tuva. Thirty-three soloists and eleven ensembles competed in the contest. Their art was judged by music experts, among them were such noted people as Zoya Kyrgys (head of the Khoomei Center), Valentina Suzukei (a scientist), and Sayan Bapa (Huun-Huur-Tu).
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Sayana Mongush

Tuva Has one of the Lowest Development Rates in Russia

The United Nations Development Program in the Russian Federation has presented, in one of the most beautiful exhibition halls of the Tretyakov Gallery which is devoted to Valeri Vrubel, its 2001 Human Development Report for Russia. As with the six previous reports, this one is not an overview of the socioeconomic situation in 2001, but actually an analytical study undertaken from a scientific point of view. The central theme of this year's report is human development across the generations. Most interesting is the data featuring the generations from a regional perspective. According to the research, out of eighty-nine regions of Russia the highest human development index is in Moscow, Tyumen Region and Republic of Tatarstan, and the lowest ones are in the Chita Region and Republic of Tuva.
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Dina Oyun

Khoomei Festival Opened in Tuva

Today the International Khoomei Festival Dembildey 2002 is beginning in Kyzyl. Thirty-five participants from all over the world are taking part in it. The festival will last three days: on the first they will parade from the Centre of Asia Monument to the Drama theatre; on the next day a competition of throatsingers in solo and ensemble categories will be held; and on the last day (June 30) a sports and cultural program is planned, including horseraces, wrestling and a night-time jam-session of all the participants of the Dembildey Festival. Also on this day, one of the organizers of the festival, Kongar-ool Ondar, will celebrate his birthday.
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Sayana Mongush

One Third of the Russian Team in Sumo is Made up of Tuvans

Today in Aomori (to the North of Japan) the World Championship in sumo wrestling has started. One third of the Russian team is made up by Tuvans. One of them Ayas Mongush has to prove on the sumo's motherland his world champio's title won last year in Brasil.
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Dina Oyun

Putin Meets Sholban Kara-ool

Sholban Kara-ool, chairman of the Supreme Khural, and Samoilov Mongush, leader of the "Yedinstvo" faction in the Tuvan Parliament, have been received in Gosduma (Moscow) by Vladimir Pehktin, head of the "Yedinstvo" faction in the Federal Parliament. In the course of the conversation Vladimir Pehktin confirmed that the "Yedinstvo" would support the republic in defending its budgetary interests. This statement on the part of the leader of the most numerous faction in Gosduma (Russian Parliament) has a significant meaning for Tuva as the Russian Parliament now is preparing for the 3d reading of the Federal budget which should define the amount of federal donations to all the regions of Russia
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Dina Oyun

Sainkho Performing in Moscow

Sainkho Namchylak (Tuva-Austria), Iva Bitova (Czech Republic) and Shelly Hirsh(USA)is performances have made up the final concert of the music festival "Deep larynx or dangerous vocal cords", which was held on October, 18-21 in Moscow. The Tuvan-Austrian singer presented to the public her new music programme "Vocal and mental equilibristics", which combines recitations on spiritual and everyday subjects with virtuous vocal technique including traditional Tuvan throat-singing in the untraditional female interpretation.
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Dina Oyun

Anthrax in Tuva!

5 cows perished of anthrax in the village of Moren (in the south-east of Tuva). The spokesman for the chief sanitarian body of the republic points out that the infection was not brought into Tuva ftom outside but comes out of the old cattle burial mounds from the 50-ties.
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Sayana Mongush

Chylgychy Ondar is a New Tuvan Deputy in Gosduma

Chylgychy Ondar, the vice prime-minister of the republic, has become a new deputy for Tuva in the Federal Parliament. He took the lead in the State Duma elections, held in Tuva on October, 14 winning all in all 38 per cents votes out of those who came to the poll on the election day.His runner-up Sergei Mongush, minister of internal affairs, gathered 36 per cents votes, the other 3 candidates for the deputy fell far behind: Victor Norby, Moscow banker, came with 13,8 %; Alexandr Kashin, mayor of Kyzyl - 4,1%; Vladimir Tavberidze, leader of the Tuvan affiliate of the All-Russian political party "Apple" - 1,2%.
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Dina Oyun

Direct Flight Moscow-Kyzyl-Moscow Resumed in August

The weekly direct flight Moscow-Kyzyl-Moscow, resumed in August, has proved to be the most reliable and quickest way of communication between the two capitals. The AST-Air company who rent the plane, presented to Tuva by Boris Yeltsin in 1995, makes a regular inquiry among flight passengers asking for their recommendations as for the desirable date, time and commodities aboard. The latest poll shows that Sunday is the best time for the flight.
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Sayana Mongush
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