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The Day of Three Feats of Buddha Shakyamuni is "vegetarian day" in Tuva

The Day of Three Feats of Buddha Shakyamuni is "vegetarian day" in TuvaOn 17 May, masses and prayers will be performed in all the temples of Tuva, associated with the celebration of Day of Three Feats of Buddha Shakyamuni. As the abbot of the main "Tsechenling" temple, Tenzin Chimba (Buyan Bashki) informed the portal, this year Buddhist clergy turned to Tuvan Buddhists with a special request to dedicate this day to performing good deeds. Beside that,  Buddhist monks and priests, who are members of the Buddhist association of Tuva, proposed to the residents of the republic to renounce eating of meat on this day.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Expedition "In the footprints of the Hsiung-nu - 2011" will travel through Buryatia, Tuva and Mongolia

Expedition "In the footprints of the Hsiung-nu - 2011" will travel through Buryatia, Tuva and MongoliaThe expedition, dedicated to the 2200 Anniversary of  the foundation of the Hsiung-nu Empire, will take place from May 28 to June 30 on the territory of Buryatia, Mongolia, Tyva, Krasnoyarsk Krai and Khakassia, as announced by the press-service of the Ministry of Culture of Buryatia.

"This event will take place with the support of the Federal Agency for culture and cinematography of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Ministry of education and culture of Mongolia, - the site states.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Front veteran Vera Bailak receives a certificate as No.1 sheep herder- thousander

Front veteran Vera Bailak receives a certificate as No.1 sheep herder- thousanderThe legendary ambulance soldier of the cavalry squadron, veteran of great Patriotic War, mother-heroine, a head of a large farming co-operative, Vera Chuldumovna Bailak has become a sheep herder-thousander No.1.  She received the certificate on May 9 at the 5-Years of Soviet Tuva Stadium from the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool. Vera Bailak expressed holiday greetings to everybody, and wished them - "Support one another, and together solve today's problems in Tuva. Everybody should have a part in the development of the republic. The flowering of our native country depends on that."

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Info from government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak

Kazan will listen to Tuvan throat-singing

Kazan will listen to Tuvan throat-singingDuring the 10th International Festival of Turkic People "Nauruz", Kazan will listen to throat-singing. Artists from the state V. Kok-ool music and drama theatre will be participating in the festival.

Tuva will be also represented in Tatarstan by folklore trio "ShaaLaash" (Oktyabr Saaya, Stanislav Iril, Saidash Mongush).  They owe their unusual name to a healing spring in Tuva. The throat-singer ensemble will be in Kazan from  29 May and will perform in the opening and closing ceremonies of "Nauruz".

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Info from the press-service of festival "Nauruz", translated by Heda Jindrak

Kyzyl will hold an interregional festival "Musical Summer in Tuva"

On 2 - 6 June, Kyzyl will host the next interregional festival "Musical Summer in Tuva". Composers and performers from Moscow, Tatarstan, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Khakassia as well as from Belorussia and Siberian cities will  participate. The Chairman of the Union of Composers of Russia, Vladislav Igorevich Kazenin, a man who brought significant contribution to the development of musical art in Tuva will be the honored guest. It was precisely Kazenin who stood at the sources of founding the Union of Composers of Tuva.

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Translated by Heda Jindrak

Victory Memorial in Tuva is augmented by a stele with 360 names of front-line soldiers

Victory Memorial in Tuva is augmented by a stele with 360 names of front-line soldiersPremier of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool congratulated his compatriots to the Day of the Victory. "The salutes of victory of May 1945 are receding further into the past, but the memory of the past war, the feats of the older generations is not subject to time, - the greeting speech states. - Our common debt is to be worthy of continuing the work of the victorious heroes, to increase the greatness of Russia with our work and talents, to put down a foundation for the flowering of our small native country - Tuva. Our successes in this direction will become the best memorial to the Victory, confirmation of our deepest respect and gratitude to those who performed an immortal feat in the name of securing this goal."

  • 100
Info from government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan hunters have increased the hunting of wolves

Tuvan hunters have increased the hunting of wolvesTuvan hunters have exceeded last year's record in shooting wolves, which was organized by the authorities of the republic to decrease the numbers of the predators and to protect the herders from their depredations. According to the head of the State hunting and fishing commission of Tuva, Alexander Novikov, in the four months of 2011 the total population of wolves in the republic was decreased by 455 head. In 2009 the hunters caught only 266 wolves, and in 2010 - 433. According to hunting specialists, the best indices has the state hunter of the Hunting and fishing commission Ivan Oyun. He has 31 wolves on his personal account. The overload in the  struggle with wolves  took place after a meeting with the participation of  the leaders of all municipal agencies, which was held in the beginning of the year by the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool.
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Info from the government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan yak breeding farm won Grand Prix of "Nomads of the North" festival

Tuvan yak breeding farm won Grand Prix of  "Nomads of the North" festivalCollective of State Unitary Enterprise (GUP) "Mogen-Buren" of  Mongun-Taiga kozhuun  won the Grand Prix of  a song and dance festival "Nomads of the North-2011", which took place during and expo-fair "Treasures of the North 2011" on 27 April - 1 May at Pan-Russia expo center in Moscow. And that is not  the only prize that the Tuvan delegation won at this forum of the best creative work of the minority indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Tuva was represented by residents of two districts: Mongun-Taiga ( GUP "Mogen-Buren", leader Oshku-Saar Oorzhak) and Todzha (association "Tos-Chadyr", leader Svetlana Demkina).

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Chimiza Lamajaa, Ayana Dambieva,, translated by Heda Jindrak

Legendary performer of ethno-jazz Sainkho became a National Artist of Tuva

Tuvan singer Sainkho, who has been long living abroad and who has won international fame was awarded the Honorable title of  "National Artist of republic Tyva". The well-deserved award was presented to the legendary singer at a charity concert by the head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool. The audience welcomed this decision with ovations.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

International exhibition "Traditions of folk art of Mongolia" opens in Tuva

International exhibition "Traditions of folk art of Mongolia" opened at the National Museum of Tuva on 29 April. The exposition shows women's and men's jewelry,, made in the traditional way of Mongolian masters of the jewelry art. They represent a concentration of the heritage of the multifaceted and unique Mongolian culture.

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Tuvinskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak
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