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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Dalai Lama is ready to leave his post as the head of Tibetan government in exile

Dalai-Lama the 14th today announced his decision to officially resign from his political post as the head of Tibetan  government in exile. He explained that he is making this decision because "in long-term perspective, it will be good for the Tibetans".   "Since the 1960's, I have always emphasized the necessity of finding a leader, freely chosen by the people of Tibet, to whom I could transfer the political authority, - The Dalai-Lama said in an announcement at Dharamsala (Indian state Himal-Pradesh). - The time has come to bring this into practice."
  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

The Head of Tuva and Speaker of the Parliament present holiday greetings to women

The Head of Tuva and Speaker of the Parliament present holiday greetings to womenThe Head of Tuva and Speaker of the Parliament presented greetings to women for the holiday of  March 8 (International Women's Day).

"In the name of all men of the republic, I present greetings to all of you with the International Women's day!  On this spring holiday, we bring words of sincere recognition, love and respect to the better half of humanity - to our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. Everything dearest to us is connected with the name of Woman, and Her eternal striving towards peace and goodness, - states the greeting.

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Information from the press-service of the government and the parliament, translated by Heda Jindrak

The main researcher of khoomei, ethnomusicologist Zoya Kyrgys receives birthday greetings

The main researcher of khoomei, ethnomusicologist Zoya Kyrgys receives birthday greetingsToday,  Doctor of culturology, one of the chief researchers of the unique art of throat-singing, Zoya Kyrgysovna Kyrgys, is receiving birthday greetings. The founder and permanent head of the International  scientific Center "Khoomei", she dedicated the major part of her life to the study of Tuvan throat-singing.  Her monograph "Tuvan throat-singing" is also dedicated to this vocal phenomenon of Central Asian nomads; it is the final result of  25years of work, many field expeditions, as well as experiments in laboratories of Moscow, Sankt-Peterburg, and New York.

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translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva will hold the first "Tevek " championship on the Maslenitsa (carnival)

On March 6, the Maslenitsa festivities will take place in the national park with all the necessary  attributes of  seeing off the Winter:  Russian folk games and contests, including a competition in the fastest eating of pancakes. There will be a pillar with a prize all the way on the top, and the burning of Maslenitsa effigy. The example of  last year, when the Maslenitsa and Shagaa (Lunar new Year) fell to the same date and a competition in "tevek" was held,  turned out to be infectious. It was decided to continue the tradition this year. Only the status of the competition will be designated as "Championship" in "tevek" - the first in history.

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Info from Aldynai Salchak translated by Heda Jindrak

In Tuva, activists of the "Tos Ertine" (Nine Treasures) project are recognized

In Tuva, activists of the "Tos Ertine" (Nine Treasures) project are recognizedThe results of  the "Nine Treasures" special project, which has truly become national, have now been summarized.

In the words of the curator of this project, the Vice-Chairman of the Government of republic Tyva, Dina Oyun, this was one of the largest Internet and  SMS voting projects on the territory of Tuva. The numbers of the participants exceeded all expectations more than 14 000  SMS messages were sent to the "Tos-Ertine" number.  The snow leopard and "Bizhiktig Khaya" became the leaders of both the SMS and the Internet voting.  "The most important part of this project is that it unites us. Everybody took part - young and old, representatives of all kinds of professions, of municipal agencies", -  Tatiana Ivanitskaya, the representative of  WWF emphasized.

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Info by Galina Murygina, Tuvinskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

Made in Tuva: the taste of Grandmother's cheese

Made in Tuva: the taste of Grandmother's cheeseMai-ool Mongush, a resident of Kyzyl, has started his business in 2009, when he received a grant of the chairman of the government of Tuva - 300 thousand rubles. Now the businessman is already making seven brand products -  sour milk beverage "Bozha",  national dish chokpek with various flavors, bozhazhyk - a Tuvan cottage cheese, kurut,  fast-cooking dalgan "Jachmenka",  and Tuvan cheese - byshtak.

He also has millet in production, which is one of  Tuvan favorites. They eat it with cream, and it can be soaked in milk tea, and a real Tuvan folk dish is ready. It is a family business

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Aldynai Salchak,, translated by Heda Jindrak

German scientist will give a lecture about the kurgan "Arzhaan-2" finds (Tuva) in Tbilisi (Tiflis)

German scientist will give a lecture about the  kurgan "Arzhaan-2" finds (Tuva) in Tbilisi (Tiflis)The president of the foundation "Prussian Cultural heritage" Hermann Parzinger will give a lecture today at the National Museum of Georgia (Gruzia) about the archeological research in Siberia, as announced by "Novosti-Gruzia" and the press-service of the museum on Wednesday.

The theme of this public lecture is "The latest archeological research in Siberian steppes - royal burial Arzhaan" is the study of  the earliest known kurgan containing an "elite" burial of Early Scythian period.

The German professor led the archeological excavations in the Russian republic Tuva, in South Siberia, which were performed in the Valley of Czars, where  rich Scythian burials were discovered.

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Translated by Heda Jindrak

Activists of "Nine Treasures" ("Tos Ertine") project recognized in Tuva

Activists of  "Nine Treasures" ("Tos Ertine") project recognized in TuvaOn February 24 at the National Museum of Tuva, an event that everybody has been eagerly waiting for will take place: finally, the results of the special project "Nine Treasures" will be presented.

Everybody who participated in the project discovered something he did not know before,, and got an opportunity to see Tuva in a new light. And the scientific worker of the Ubsunur international center of biospheric research, Tatiana Prudnikova is not hiding her interest in the project. Thanks to it, she discovered for herself the nature of an astonishing phenomenon, which is in folk tradition called "charash-dash".  However, our conversation with Tatiana Nikolayevna is not only about "charash-dash".  Even though this is where we'll start.

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Viktoriya Kondrashova, "Tuvinskaya Pravda", translated by Heda Jindrak

Yat-Kha is going to play in Buryatia

Yat-Kha  is going to play in BuryatiaWorld-famous group "Yat-Kha" will be giving a joint concert with ethno-group "Uragshaa" on the stage of Buryat Philharmony on 16 March, as announced by the press-service of ministry of culture of Republic Buryatia.

Recall that in December 2010 the English album of the Tuvan musicians "Poets and Lighthouses" made a steep ascent, getting to the fists place from the twentieth in the hit parade. Most of the songs were composed by the leader of "Yat-Kha", Albert Kuvezin to verses of Japanese poets of the middle of the 20th century.

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Translated by Heda Jindrak

The unemployed will be helping herders during lambing season in Tuva

The unemployed will be helping herders during lambing season in TuvaAs a result of this year's spring lambing and calving season, Tuva  is expected to have 45 thousand heads of  calves, 490 thousand lambs and kids, more than 12 thousand heads of colts, 570 calves from (vazhenka?), and 12  baby camels. The mass birthing season is expected in the middle of March. But according to vice-minister Sergei Oyun, by this time in 9 districts of the republic, already 1358  calves and 20.5 thousand lambs and kids have already been born. That is 3% of this year's plan. The majority of these young are in private farms.

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Info from government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak
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