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United Russia Party Wants Audit Chamber to Revise Financial Activity of Tuvan Parliament - Opposition's Headquarters

Almost 100 United Russia State Duma deputies applied to the Audit Chamber of Russia to check up on the financial activity of the Legislative Chamber of the Great Khural chamber. Governmental press-service reports numbering among those who joined in an application deputies from LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), CPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and Rodina (Motherland). But the latter three factions press-services appeared not to be in the know of the appeal when asked by Tuva-Online correspondent.
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Dina Oyun

Uyghur Fortress in Tuva to Be Restored

A unique ancient Uigur fortress (dates back to 8 century A.C.) on an ireland in the middle of Tere-Khol (there is another Tere-Khol lake in the southern part of Tuva bordering Mongolia) lake is going to be restored.
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Dina Oyun

Tuva's Government Sums up Outcomes of Demographics Study

Presentation of the state report "On demographics in the Republic of Tyva" took place at the meeting in Tuva's Government, reports with the reference to the Tuvan governmental press service. The report authors have studied demographics in the republic for 2005 and the general development trends for the last five years.
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Young Tuvan Journalist Prize-Winner at All-Russian Media Contest

Nadya Antufieva. Photo by Evgeni AntufievNadya Antufieva, daughter of Tuva's famous journalist Nadezhda Antufieva, and currently Moscow State University student, won a third prize and 12000 ruble ($500) at a regional stage of the All-Russian contest "Social media challenge 21st century".

Young reporters from 12 Siberian regions participated in the first regional stage of the contest: the Republic of Buryatia, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and the Tyumen Regions, the Altai and the Krasnoyarsk Territories, and the Khanty-Mansi and the the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Areas.

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Alexandr Papyn

Yat-Kha's Leader to Write a Soundtrack for a Film about Chingiskhaan

Albert Kuvezin, world-famous Yat-kha group leader, signed a contract for a soundtrack of 'On Chigiskhaan's Will' film, IA Regnum reports. The film is based on a novel by Yakut writer Nikolai Luginov. The film crew headed by Andrei Borisov, famous Yakut theatre director and culture minister in the Yakut government, this summer had been filming in Tuva.
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Fifth Breakdown of Tuva's Parliamentary Session

The first meeting of Tuva's Great Hural parliamentary organizing session was broken down for the fifth time. This time in difference to the previous Anatolii Kvashnin and Tuvan deputies. Photo by Vitalii Shaifulin ones, when sessions were appointed by Sherig-ool Oorzhak's Decree, it was scheduled by Presidential Envoy in Siberian Federal District Anatoly Kvashnin when he was in Tuva meeting Tuvan deputies. Kvashnin was trying to solve a parliamentary crisis offering a new date but it was again boycotted by twelve deputies from Russian Party of Life who protested against canceling the election of their five colleagues in favour of United Russia party, as they believe.
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Dina Oyun

Triumph of Tuvan Throat Singers in Moscow

Tyva ensemble. Photo by Alisa Burmistrova Legendary 'Tyva' ensemble opened a 3-day program of the Third Kyzyl-Moscow Festival in the Central House of Artists concert hall. The third generation of the 'Tyva' Ensemble turned out to be none the worse its first outstanding ten. 'Tyva', founded in late eighties in cooperation of ethnomusicologist Zoya Kyrgyz with remarkable throat singer from Oviur, Gennady Tumat, was a pioneer in ensemble throat singing in Tuva. Ten singers of the Tyva ensemble set a new ensemble mode which is nowadays wide-spread in Tuva.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Singer Sainkho Performed in London Jazz Festival

Russians are not only the world's toughest people but also the most talkative, which explains why this exotic 12-piece ensemble didn't take the stage until 11pm. (And probably why, America having recruited Germany's H-bomb experts slightly faster than they did, we are not all speaking Russian today.)
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Gazprom, Tyva Administration Sign Cooperation Agreement

Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Prime Minister of the Republic of Tyva Sherig-ool Oorzhak have signed a cooperation agreement, the Prime Tass economic news agency said on Tuesday quoting the company’s press release.
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Kyzyl-Moscow Festival Opens Today

alt A press-conference which will take place today at 2.00 p.m. at a Euro-Asian club 'Legend' will present to journalists a full 3-day program of Tuvan music in the Russian capital. 5 hours later the third Kyzyl-Mocsow festival will open in the Central House of Artists concert-hall with young 'Saradak' throat-singers aged from 9 to 14 and legendary 'Tyva' Ensemble on stage. Tuvan performers came to Moscow yesterday by train. The other festival days are Novemver 16 and 17 will be held in the cultural 'Dom' centre, Georgi Beletsky, festival's director, told Tuva-Online.
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Dina Oyun
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