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«    March 2011    »
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The Head of Tuva and Speaker of the Parliament present holiday greetings to women

The Head of Tuva and Speaker of the Parliament present holiday greetings to womenThe Head of Tuva and Speaker of the Parliament presented greetings to women for the holiday of  March 8 (International Women's Day).

"In the name of all men of the republic, I present greetings to all of you with the International Women's day!  On this spring holiday, we bring words of sincere recognition, love and respect to the better half of humanity - to our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. Everything dearest to us is connected with the name of Woman, and Her eternal striving towards peace and goodness, - states the greeting.  - With your care and sympathy, wisdom and patience, you make the world brighter and better, giving us, the men, the opportunity to learn  about such eternal values as faith, hope, and love. You give us wings in joy, support us in a hard moment, and teach us to be human. Next to you, we strive to become stronger and nobler.

From century to century, the fragile shoulders of women carry the weight of bringing up the growing generation, and the spiritual well-being of the family, the basic unit of the community. In many ways, the durability of family systems, and the continuity and growth of traditions depend on your common sense, patience, psychological tact and goodness.  You not only keep the family hearth, care for and bring up children, but you conquer many successes in various spheres of professional activity. You teach and heal, work in production, manage businesses, lead active community activities, and take responsible positions in the organs of  state government.

The beneficial changes in our republic, and the unity and stability of the community depend in many ways on your citizens' position.

From our whole soul, we wish you, dear women, strong health, great personal happiness, everything best and good!

Let peace and love rule in your families, harmony and prosperity! Let your children,  and your near ones be healthy and successful, let the men around you be always attentive and caring!

Best wishes for your holiday, dear women!"

Information from the press-service of the government and the parliament, translated by Heda Jindrak
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