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» Sberbank will Have a Share in the New Hotel in Kyzyl
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«    July 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Sberbank will Have a Share in the New Hotel in Kyzyl

Every summer when Tuva is flooded with visitors from everywhere, tourists cannot find a vacant place to stay at as all the hotels are full. With this hotel shortage in the Tuvan capital a new many-storeyed building in the nearby of the TV-tower which was originally designed as the Business Centre is just the very thing which is needed. The Business Centre turned later on into the Hotel for Arats. This is an official name under which this construction object has been shown in the investment documents annually submitted to the Russian Ministry of Finances to get state federal financement. This logic explains itself - everything designed to easen a difficult life of ordinary Tuvan shepherds is more probable to be supported on the federal level where none wants to know exactly whether in Tuva there are still enough shepherds to fill in the novotel. It seems that this name will remain only on paper. After over 10 years of the construction the hotel is not yet built up. No money in the republican budget to finish it. A helpful hand was stretched out by the Sberbank who would contribute 1,2 mln rubles into the contruction for locating in the future its affiliate on the ground floor of the new building.

Dina Oyun
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