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«    Fabruary 2007    »
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Tuvan Opposition Appeals to Putin

Tuvan opposition has released an open appeal to Russian President Putin attracting his attention to the power crisis in Tuva which under 16 years of Sherig-ool Oorzhak's leadership has come to poor results. It is a second of its kind address to the President with the almost similar critic of the current leader of Tuva. The first one was launched a year ago by the majority in the Tuvan parliament.

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Dina Oyun

Tax Police Chief Charged with Negligence in Tuva

A criminal action has been brought against the head of Tuvan inter-district tax police of the Federal Tax Service. Anatoly Ayzhi is charged with negligence that caused big-scale financial damage (Article 193, Part 1, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the Tuvan Government reported. The republican tax police chief failed to register the Legislative Chamber of the Great Khural, causing damage of $70,000 to the state.
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Moscow Tuvans to Celebrate Shagaa in Early March

Shagaa, a new year according to the Lunar Calendar, is celebrated throughout a whole month after its first day. Tuvan new year in Moscow will be a special event on March 3 for a numerous Tuvan diaspore based in the Russian capital. Famous Tuvan singer Andrei Mongush, Chirgilchin group and other Tuvan stars are expected to perform in the Moscow Shagaa festival.

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Dina Oyun

Rare Works on Tuva in New Anthology Initiated by Russian Minister

The first volume of Tuvan anthology under the name 'Uraankhay. Tyva depter" (Uraankhay is an old name for Tuva in the early 20th century. Tuvan Notebooks) is released by Moscow Editorial House 'Slovo'. The edition is initiated and sponsored by Russian minister, native Tuvan Sergei Shoigu. The first book of the anthology in 7 volumes is introduced by Sergei Shoigu, a word of welcome is given also by Nikita Mikhalkov, famous Russian film-maker, head of the Russian Culture Foundation. The whole anthology embraces the period from 5-6 century A.C. to the Tannu-Tuva republic in early 20th century. It contains the rare works on Tuva which are now in 1 copy kept in the largest Russian libraries and almost unavailable to the majority of Tuvan people.

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Dina Oyun

American Connoisseur of Tuvan Language Worried at Disappearance of Languages

Speakers of thousands of the world's languages are now abandoning their ancestral tongues at an unprecedented rate. What is lost when a language dies? And what are the implications?

"Languages are the repository of thousands of years of a people's science and art - from observations of ecological patterns to creation myths," says Swarthmore College linguist K. David Harrison, who spoke this weekend at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual meeting held this month in San Francisco.

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Shagaa Expected in Tuva

alt The new year is to come to Tuva tomorrow at dawn. Since 1991 Shagaa (movable according to the Lunar Calendar) and the Day of the Republic (August, 15) have been celebrated officially after decades of oblivion. The date is calculated by lamas, the exact Shagaa time is defined from a person's palm. As soon as the palm lines are visible the new year is considered to have come. This year it is the Red Pig awaited.
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Dina Oyun, Sayana Mongush

New Elections Expected to Settle Parliamentary Crisis in Tuva

Tuva is the only region in Russia to live for over 5 months without a parliament. The much spoken about political crisis goes on and is now at its peak on the eve of its probable solution. The way out is expected to come either in the form of the Supreme Russian Court decision where appeals from United Russia candidates are being considered or in a new parliamentary election appointed for March 11.
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Dina Oyun

Seminar for Tuva's English Teachers Organized with American Embassy Help

alt Today Bridget Gersten, English language office head in the American Embassy flies to Kyzyl where tomorrow an English teaching conference starts. The event is for two days at the university, sponsors are Tuvan State University and Tuva's Ministry of Education, speakers are Dr. Bridget F Gersten and Stephanie Funderburg from technical university in Novosibirsk.
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Dina Oyun

New Tuva's Leader Discussed in Kremlin

Current Tuva's leader Sherig-ool Oorzhak's third term expires in March this year. Will he keep running the republic or be substituted? By whom? This week the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov met 4 candidates for the position suggested to Kremlin by Anatoli Kvashnin, Presidential Envoy in Siberia.
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Dina Oyun

Ruined Uyghur Fortress in Tuva to Host a Large-Scale Archeological Expedition

Sergei Shoigu, photo by Valeri Irgit Tuva is going to turn into an archeological Mekka from this year on. A large-scale archeological expedition is going to start this summer in an ancient fortress on a Tere-Khol lake ireland, project initiator, Russian minister for Emergencies Sergei Shoigu told Tuvan journalists in an online video press-conference connecting Kyzyl and Moscow. He confirmed the plans to start excavations in Tuva. This year a camp will host 800 people in total - 200 students and scientists in 4 turns. Shoigu answering journalists' questions told a story of his own discovery of Por-Bazhyn - Clay Town in Tuvan - on the Tere-Khol lake.
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Dina Oyun
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