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«    September 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

In Tuva, municipalities will have the right to enter the “dry law”

In Tuva, municipalities will have the right to enter the “dry law”The Government of Tuva has approved a bill that extends the right to municipalities to counter the problem of alcoholism in the region. If adopted by the organs of self-government of the Ikh Hural approval of rural and urban settlements would have the power to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages, reports the press-service of the Government of the Republic.

Earlier, the right to impose “dry law” in a trading network was the prerogative of the regional authorities, which are not entirely true, believes one of the authors of the draft law, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Šolban Mongush. In his view, the local authorities to judge whether to prohibit the sale of alcohol at all, or merely less stringent measures.

The law gives local governments for more and better opportunities to combat drunkenness and alcoholism, in particular the right to impose a complete ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages within their territories. Still limit the liquor they could only when absolute support of the population, through the solution of rural councils, but they can be protested by the Prosecutor’s Office as contrary to Russian law.

Republican authorities already had power to regulate trafficking in alcoholic beverages. At the initiative of the head of Šolbana Kara-Oola in the capital of the Tuva Kyzyl phased restrictions on the retail sale of alcohol. First, entrepreneurs have banned trade with strong drink on Sundays and holidays. From may 2012, the restrictive measures even more tightened. Now fully soft to trade all weekends and holidays in these days with stalls should be removed all beverages containing ethyl alcohol more than 5%. And on weekdays free to sell alcohol only until 11 7:0 pm.

Experience has shown that the population of Kyzyl is quite relaxed and even welcomed the prohibitive measures. According to the media, not less than 70% of residents support the restrictions imposed, and believe that they will allow, as a minimum, reduce the level of street hooliganism, which is already quite a lot.

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