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16 March 2011 | Views: 2845 | Comments: 0 |
The ridges of the Sayans can be translated into Russian as "million of ridges", and that is how I remembered the name of these mountains. In the grey times of long ago, a great catastrophe took place in the Sayan mountains, as they say. When a terrible hurricane flew in from the direction of the Black Heaven, people and animals who lived in the region left those places, as they say. Places where berries grew were all destroyed, and mighty trees fell uprooted.
One shaman of heavenly origin conducted a ritual to stop the blows of the terrible hurricane, as they say. But suddenly a powerful gust of the wind tore out the drumstick-paddle from the shaman's right hand.
Mongush Borakhovich Kenin-Lopsan, translated by Heda Jindrak |
3 March 2011 | Views: 4002 | Comments: 0 |
Today, Doctor of culturology, one of the chief researchers of the unique art of throat-singing, Zoya Kyrgysovna Kyrgys, is receiving birthday greetings. The founder and permanent head of the International scientific Center "Khoomei", she dedicated the major part of her life to the study of Tuvan throat-singing. Her monograph "Tuvan throat-singing" is also dedicated to this vocal phenomenon of Central Asian nomads; it is the final result of 25years of work, many field expeditions, as well as experiments in laboratories of Moscow, Sankt-Peterburg, and New York.
translated by Heda Jindrak |
1 March 2011 | Views: 3209 | Comments: 0 |
On March 6, the Maslenitsa festivities will take place in the national park with all the necessary attributes of seeing off the Winter: Russian folk games and contests, including a competition in the fastest eating of pancakes. There will be a pillar with a prize all the way on the top, and the burning of Maslenitsa effigy. The example of last year, when the Maslenitsa and Shagaa (Lunar new Year) fell to the same date and a competition in "tevek" was held, turned out to be infectious. It was decided to continue the tradition this year. Only the status of the competition will be designated as "Championship" in "tevek" - the first in history.
Info from Aldynai Salchak translated by Heda Jindrak |
28 Fabruary 2011 | Views: 2985 | Comments: 0 |
The results of the "Nine Treasures" special project, which has truly become national, have now been summarized.
In the words of the curator of this project, the Vice-Chairman of the Government of republic Tyva, Dina Oyun, this was one of the largest Internet and SMS voting projects on the territory of Tuva. The numbers of the participants exceeded all expectations more than 14 000 SMS messages were sent to the "Tos-Ertine" number. The snow leopard and "Bizhiktig Khaya" became the leaders of both the SMS and the Internet voting. "The most important part of this project is that it unites us. Everybody took part - young and old, representatives of all kinds of professions, of municipal agencies", - Tatiana Ivanitskaya, the representative of WWF emphasized.
Info by Galina Murygina, Tuvinskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak |
18 Fabruary 2011 | Views: 3199 | Comments: 0 |
On February 24 at the National Museum of Tuva, an event that everybody has been eagerly waiting for will take place: finally, the results of the special project "Nine Treasures" will be presented.
Everybody who participated in the project discovered something he did not know before,, and got an opportunity to see Tuva in a new light. And the scientific worker of the Ubsunur international center of biospheric research, Tatiana Prudnikova is not hiding her interest in the project. Thanks to it, she discovered for herself the nature of an astonishing phenomenon, which is in folk tradition called "charash-dash". However, our conversation with Tatiana Nikolayevna is not only about "charash-dash". Even though this is where we'll start.
Viktoriya Kondrashova, "Tuvinskaya Pravda", translated by Heda Jindrak |
17 Fabruary 2011 | Views: 3108 | Comments: 0 |
World-famous group "Yat-Kha" will be giving a joint concert with ethno-group "Uragshaa" on the stage of Buryat Philharmony on 16 March, as announced by the press-service of ministry of culture of Republic Buryatia.
Recall that in December 2010 the English album of the Tuvan musicians "Poets and Lighthouses" made a steep ascent, getting to the fists place from the twentieth in the hit parade. Most of the songs were composed by the leader of "Yat-Kha", Albert Kuvezin to verses of Japanese poets of the middle of the 20th century.
Translated by Heda Jindrak |
2 Fabruary 2011 | Views: 5339 | Comments: 0 |
Every year, the Shagaa holiday gathers more meaning for the residents of Tuva. People strive to celebrate it with observation of all the rules. Representatives of the middle generation, who had to forget about the celebrations of folk holidays during the Soviet era are only now beginning to remember the traditions of their ancestors. Today, respect for national customs is obtained in kindergarten. Today, on the last day of the old year, the head of the republic Sholban Kara-ool visited a morning celebration in "Rucheyek" kindergarten, of the Kaa-Khem village, and convinced himself personally that even the smallest children understand the deeper significance of Shagaa.
gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
24 January 2011 | Views: 3566 | Comments: 0 |
The favorite of the whole country - "Genghis-Khan" Eduard Ondar, has just returned for a week's trip to Kazakhstan. He shared some good news - he is now confirmed for the role of the leader of Dzungarian army in a film by a prominent Kazakh director Akhan (Akan) Satayev.
Our compatriot went to the final confirmation for the role and to sign the contract. He is pleased with the way the things worked out: he got to know the film team better, found a common language with the director, which is very important for the work, and has started to "immerse" himself in the role.
Marina Kenin-Lopsan, translated by Heda Jindrak |
20 January 2011 | Views: 3361 | Comments: 0 |
From January 27 to February 13 2011, at the Cultural center "Dom na Patriarshikh" there will be an exhibition of Nadia Rusheva's works "Pearls of Nadia Rusheva's graphics". During this exhibition, three artistic meets with a historian, poet and publicist V. G. Shchepkin are planned.
Nadia Rusheva was born on January 31 1952 in Ulan-Bator. Her father - Nikolai Konstantinovich Rushev - worked in Mongolia as an artist - theatre instructor and pedagogue at an art school. Her mother - Natalia Daidalovna Azhikmaa - worked in Mongolia as a pedagogue - ballet instructor, and danced solos at concerts. She was one of the first ballerinas of Tuva.
www.domkult.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
16 January 2011 | Views: 3141 | Comments: 0 |
The residents of Tuva will welcome the Lunar New Year with the first rays of the sun on February 3.
The decision about this date for celebrating Shagaa was made by the lamas of the republic at a general meeting at the Tsechenling temple with participation of representatives of Buddhist clergy from all various kozhuuns. This is also the date that Buryat Buddhists will start the celebrations of White Moon Sagaalgan.
Info from "Oyedinenia buddistov Tuvy" (Buddhist Union of Tuva), translated by Heda Jindrak |