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Days of Khakass Culture just transpired in Tuva

Days of Khakass Culture just transpired in TuvaPractically the entire collective of Khakass Philharmony participated in the program of Days of Khakass Culture in Tuva, where it was associated with the Day of National Unity.

Now even many Tuvan children know what a chatkhan is. It is a Khakass musical instrument in the shape of an elongated rectangular box with horse-hair strings stretched length-wise; it is a symbol of the Khakass nation. It was precisely a chatkhan which was used to accompany the heroic epics, “alyptyg nymakhi”.

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Alexander Filatenko, “Tuvinskaya Pravda”, translated by Heda Jindrak

Detailed biography of Kaigal-ool Khovalyg, one of the best throat singers of the world, has been published in Tuva

Detailed biography of Kaigal-ool Khovalyg, one of the best throat singers of the world, has been published in TuvaUlyana Mongush, a scholar, has completed a titanic work, having collected under one cover all the interesting facts about the life of the legendary Tuvan khoomeizhi, leader oft eh group Huun-Huur-Tu, Kaigal-ool Khovalyg, who celebrated his 50th birthday earlier this year. The book “The Willful Khovalyg and Huun-Huur-Tu was published I two languages - Russian and Tuvan. There is also a short summary of the book in English.  “Khurtuun Khovalyg bile Khun-Khurtu” quotes the rich speech of the throat singer, who has a remarkable sense of humor and knows all the intricacies of Tuvan folk traditions.
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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

107 new photos of Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tuva published

107 new photos of Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tuva publishedPrime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin participated in another action associated with protection of animals. The main goal  of the Prime minister’s expedition to the “Ubsunur Depression” nature preserve, located in Republic Tyva, was to verify the areas of habitation of  the snow leopard,  which is listed in the Red Book and under threat of extinction.

The Premier’s visit to the preserve, which is in South Siberia in a depression of the same name near the salt-water lake Ubsu-Nur, took place in September, but the photos first showed up in the media only days ago. On October 30, a series of photos was published by the official site of the Prime Minister.

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Info from,, translated by Heda Jindrak

Butterflies and beetles from the whole world are coming to Tuva

Butterflies and beetles from the whole world are coming to TuvaOn October 15, at the National Museum of Tuva a unique exhibition of the famous collector from Krasnoyarsk, Vladimir Efremenko, “Beetles and butterflies of the world” will open. The entire collection holds more than 18 thousand specimens collected in various corners of the world. Only about 2000 specimens will be exhibited. Vladimir Efremenko has been collecting for more than 20 years, and the collection includes very rare species of butterflies and beetles.
  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in Tuva

Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in TuvaNikolai Rastorguyev and his group “Lyube” presented two concerts in the Tuvan capital. The audience of the first one consisted of front-line veterans, veterans of local wars, of work, and the staff of law-enforcement organs. “It was such a pleasure! – tells us blockade participant Tatiana Afonicheva. – I sang along, I cried a bit. Such songs! They go right to the heart. At home during family celebrations, we always sing the song “Combat” with my husband and children. And the theatre has become so beautiful! Chandeliers like at the Mariinskiy. Everything glitters. I have been to many concerts in Leningrad, and I have something to compare it to, but here in Tuva it is now just as good. I liked the “Lyube” concert so much that I went back to the square at 19 hours to listen some more. There was a huge crowd of young people. So many people. I sang along until I got too cold for me.”
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Dina Oyun, photo by Vitaly Shaifulin, translated by Heda Jindrak

Genghis Khan’s Pride

Genghis Khan’s PrideEduard Ondar, an actor of the theatre of music and drama flew to Kazakhstan, where he was invited for casting of the next, this time Kazakh, film about Genghis Khan. Being a superstitious person, he did not say what kind of a film it is to be, or even who is filming it. “I don’t want to jinx it”, - he smiled. But his eyes were shining with fire and gave the actor away: he was going to Astana with hope. He will be trying out for both the main role and a secondary role in this historical film.
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Alexander Filatenko. Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Heda Jindrak

Exhibition of hunting trophies opened in Tuvan National museum

A grouse, singing in sunlight, a black bear, trophies won at international exhibitions, diplomas, petroglyphs, showing the most ancient human occupation – you can see all that at the exhibition of hunting trophies, which opened at the National museum on September 16. This date was not selected at random; on the eve of the republican holiday of animal herdsmen, hunting trophies can show like nothing else how the herdsmen live here in the old ways just like many centuries ago.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Literature expert Mariya Khadakhane received the title of “Honorary Citizen of Kyzyl”

Literature expert Mariya Khadakhane received the title of “Honorary Citizen of Kyzyl”On the eve of the Day of the City, a ceremony took place at the City Hall of honoring a widely known literary critic, candidate of philosophical sciences, member of the Writers’ Union of Russia, Merited Cultural worker of Russia and Tuva, Mariya Andreyevna Khadakhane. By a decision of members of Kyzyl khural, in 2010 she became the holder of the title “Honorary Citizen of Kyzyl’. An “Honorary Citizen” certificate was presented to her, and Premier Sholban Kara-ool with mayor Vladislav Khovalyg congratulated the scholar to the well-deserved award.

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Dina Oyun, photo by author, translated by Heda Jindrak

English version of Tuva.Asia is available

English version of Tuva.Asia is available Dear Friends, The Editorial Board of the electronic journal The New Research of Tuva welcomes you to the journal’s English-language website. The New Research of Tuva presents the current state of Tuvan studies — a branch of the humanities that investigates the history and culture of the Republic of Tuva (Russia). Our contributors are among the most widely recognized specialists in the field of Tuvan studies, both in Russia and abroad. The website came on-line in July 2009, and the first issue of the journal appeared at that time as well.
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Brian Donahoe, member of the editorial board of Tuva.Asia

Nadia Rusheva’s drawings are going to Omsk

Nadia Rusheva’s  drawings are going to OmskThe exhibition “The World of Art in the Drawings of Nadia Rusheva” from the collect ion of National Museum of Tuva  is going to Omsk. In the first days of September, it will be shown at the State regional museum “Liberov-Centr”.

This exhibition of the drawings of the young genius-artist explores several of  Nadia Rusheva’s favorite themes. This exhibition includes 68 original works from such famous series as “Early drawings”, “Ballet, Dances”, “Tales and Fantasies”,  “Ancient World”, and ”Heroes of Literature”, which are executed in various techniques and materials. The artist’s graphics illustrate her astonishing gift – to draw from imagination.

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Alexander Khertek,, translated by Heda Jindrak
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