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Legendary performer of ethno-jazz Sainkho became a National Artist of Tuva

Tuvan singer Sainkho, who has been long living abroad and who has won international fame was awarded the Honorable title of  "National Artist of republic Tyva". The well-deserved award was presented to the legendary singer at a charity concert by the head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool. The audience welcomed this decision with ovations.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Perspectives of female throat-singing

Today at a round-table conference at the National museum a whole campaign for promotion of female throat singing started off. We will be speaking about traditions of its performance in the republic and the current existence of female khoomei. The initiative of the debates,  the concert in Kyzyl, and the tour of the districts of the republic belongs to the legendary Tuvan-Austrian singer Sainkho Namchylak and to the only khoomei performing all-female group in the world, "Tyva Kyzy" (Daughters of Tuva).

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Mergen Loigu, translated by Heda Jindrak

Sainkho Namchylak and "Tyva Kyzy" are to perform in Tuva with a charity concert

Sainkho Namchylak and "Tyva Kyzy" are to perform in Tuva with a charity concertA joint concert of Sainkho Namchylak and "Tyva Kyzy" (Daughters of Tuva) will take place in Kyzyl, at the House of  National art, on 30 April.

The concert is dedicated to raising a statue of the Buddha  on Mt. Dogee, planned by  Buddhists of the republic.

As Choduraa Tumat,  leader and founder of "Tyva Kyzy", the only female folk music group that performs throat singing, said,  Sainkho Namchylak is coming to her native country form her musical travels especially to participate in this joint concert. The proceeds of the concert are to go into the fund for  the construction of this majestic statue.

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"Center of Asia",, translated by Heda Jindrak

The fifth "Living Path of Dersu" festival in Tuva

The fifth "Living Path of Dersu" festival in TuvaTuvan regional section of the "United Russia " party will offer any co-operation to the organizers of the fifth republican festival "Living Path of Dersu", which will take place in Tuvan capital Kyzyl  on 18 - 23 April. This was announced by the leader of Tuvan regional department of the "United Russia" party Eres Sonam. On 22 April there should be a meeting of the festival participants, children's and youth cinematic art and  the functionaries of "United Russia" party.

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Tuvinskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan Opan Sat, Zayana Apkhanova and Albert Kuvezin are pretenders for the title "Siberian-2010"

Tuvan Opan Sat, Zayana Apkhanova and Albert Kuvezin are pretenders for the title "Siberian-2010" Among the 32 pretenders to the title "Sibiryaki-2010", Tuva is represented by the leader of the famous group Yat-Kha Albert Kuvezin, the winner of a beauty contest "Miss Asia-2010" Zayana Apkhanova, and double champion of Europe in free-style wrestling Opan Sat. yesterday, on 6 April the organizing committee of the contest announced the start of the internet voting, which will end on the night from 14th to 15th April.  Only 7 people, who will collect the most votes, will become the holders of the honorary  title "Sibiryaki-2010".  In the eight years of the existence of this contest, Tuvans were twice among the winners. In 2003 Sergei Shoigu won the honorary title, and in 2005 - Albert Kuvezin.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan treasures of the Scythian era to be shown in Hungary

Tuvan treasures of the Scythian era to be shown in HungaryIn May of 2012, there will be an exhibition of the unique finds from the Scythian era burial, found in Tuva in 2001 by archeological expedition of the Hermitage, at the National Museum of Hungary. The exhibition in Budapest will be open for three months. As ITAR-TASS informed, the agreement about exhibiting the Scythian gold from Center of Asia in Budapest was concluded by the Honorary Director of the Hungarian National Museum Fodor Istvan and the General Director Laszlo Csorba. Work has started in Kyzyl to prepare this export exhibition. Only a small proportion of the objects found in Tuvan kurgan Arzhaan-2 will be taken to Hungary
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"Izvestiya" newspaper, translated by Heda Jindrak

Medvedev will invite Obama to listen to Tuvan throat-singing

Medvedev will invite Obama to listen to Tuvan throat-singingRussian president Dmitri Medvedev intends to invite  president of  the USA Barack Obama to listen to world-famous Tuvan throat-singing. That is a promise that the head of the government made to a Tuvan musician during his conference with culture workers in Moscow.

Kongar-ool Ondar complained to Medvedev that China and Mongolia often say that throat-singing is an ancient art of their nomads. "But after all, it is our way of singing, we have the patent," - said the musician.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Producers of the film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" are being sued for 17 million rubles

Producers of  the film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" are being sued for 17 million rublesThe feature film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" was released to the movie screens of this country in 2009. It took several years to make yet another epos about the great conqueror, kilometers of film and almost 10 million dollars. At the premiere everybody applauded the film crew and the director  Andrei Borisov,  who is also the minister of culture of Yakutia.

It almost seemed that the Yakut film  will conquer the entire planet, and will get the well-deserved awards… The blow came from an unexpected direction: the sponsors, because the Yakut film was filmed for more than the budget money, demanded return of the money. It was explained that they supplied the money in advance, and that the film did not justify their expectations.

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Komsomolskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

In Tuva at the new ethno-cultural complex "Aldyn-Bulak" there will be khoomei worship

In Tuva at the new ethno-cultural complex "Aldyn-Bulak" there will be khoomei worship45 kilometers from Kyzyl in the west direction of Kyzyl-Shagonar highway by the Ulug-Khem river at the place "Balyktyg-Kharaar", there has been constructed an ethno-cultural complex  "Aldyn-Bulak" .  Yesterday, the official presentation of the complex took place; it is expected to become one of the strategic objects of tourism business, as well as to make a substantial contribution into the piggy-bank of tourist attractiveness of Tuva.   More than 30 million rubles has been allocated for its  construction out of the republic's budget. The finished ethno-cultural complex has become the last note of the Year of Tourism.
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Tuvan Government, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan "Dead sea" will receive special status

Tuvan "Dead sea" will receive special statusOne of the few Russian analogs of the Dead Sea - Tuvan lake Dus-Khol will this year officially receive the status of a therapeutic - recreational location of regional significance. The government of the republic set a task for the appropriate agencies at a conference on 16 March, to prepare all the necessary documents  for securing this legal status. The new status will obligate the organs of administration  on all levels to provide more effective security and rational utilization of this unique lake, which has long been known all over the country for its therapeutic properties.

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Information from press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak
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