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электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Ulug-Khem District has Finally Its Ruler

After a year, a marathon of an election in Ulug-Khem district has finally reached a close. On July 27 Victor Puruna, an ex-head of the Ulug-Khem district, was elected into the Chief Administrator position over runner-up Kaadyr-ool Koshkendei by thirty-nine votes. A year ago, Koshkendei won the election, but the results were challenged in court as Koshendei was shown to have included false information in his documents. He claimed to have a higher education, but actually has none. For a year the district has gone without a head. With the elections ending so dramatically, after election night on July 28, one of Koshendei's supporters was killed in the villiage of Aryskan-- he died of gunshot wounds.
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Sayana Mongush

Archaeological Season in Tuva is Coming to Its End

Archaeologists of the Hermitage expedition from St. Petersburg are finishing their fourteenth field season on burial mounds near the Dogee-Baary mountains in the vicinity of Kyzyl. According to the head of the expedition, Sergei Havrin, some of the burial mounds can be completely liquidated-- many of them have been plowed up by local citizens who use them as garden areas. Excavations are conducted on two graves-- one from Scythian time (5-6000 BC), and the other is from Hun time (3-1600 AD). There is a scarcity of funeral stock in contrast to the notable burial sites in Arzhaan.
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Sayana Mongush

Moscow and Tuvan Scientists will Carry Out Geological Research in Mongolia

In July a group of scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Tuvan Institute of Complex Natural Resource Development-- Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences will carry out geological research in Mongolia. Doctor of Geological Sciences, Vladimir Lebedev, and candidate of Geological Sciences, Amina Sugorakova, are supervising the work of this expedition. The group will study the age and a sequence of the formation of magmatic, ophiolite complexes of the Caledonian and Herzin zones. It should be noticed that before perestroika such work was conducted by permanent Soviet-Mongolian geological expeditions, which has subsequently been broken up.
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Dina Oyun

Modernized Plane AN-3 Added to the Aircraft Depot of Tuvan Airlines

The modernized plane AN-3, has been added to the aircraft depot of Tuvan Airlines. The 'new' plane was driven from Omsk to Tuva by a crew led by Alexey Chuduk. The airpark of Tuvan planes comprise of twelve planes-- AN-2 and AN-3, which are involved in airflights within the Republic.
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Contest of Not-Played Roles Held in Tuva

The traditional acting contest of "Not-Played Roles" was held at the Tuvan Drama Theatre. The event was organized by the Union of Theatre Workers of Tuva. For actors of the Republic it is a magnificent opportunity to try a new role which they have been dreaming of playing but due to circumstances were unable to play.
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Dina Oyun

Archaelogist Mongush Mannai-ool Turning 70

Mongush Mannai-ool, a famous Tuvan historian, turned seventy today. He is not only known for his scientific publications and books on the history of Tuva, but as an archaeologist as well.
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Sayana Mongush

Schoolboy Rescued from Broken Ice

The rescue team of the Tuvan Ministry of Emergency Measures had to rescue a thirteen year-old schoolboy from a broken ice flow on the Yenisei. Rescuers Igor Eluskov and Alexey Malyshev caught up with the boy on the western border of the city.
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Sayana Mongush

Sayana Mongush is Prize-Winner of the 'Stop Violence' Journalist Contest

Today the results of the First National Competition of Russian Press "We Shall Stop Violence Together!" have been announced. The ceremony was held in the Marble Hall of the House of Journalists of Russia in Moscow. As the organizers confessed, such an interest in the contest was a surprise to them.
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Dina Oyun

Alexandr Svintsov Appointed Vice-Chairman of the Government

Alexandr Svintsov has been appointed as the new Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Construction of Tuva, in the stead of Eugeny Oserdtsov, who left the post due to health problems. Alexandr Svitsov is thirty-four years old and is an ex-businessman.
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Sayana Mongush

Sherig-ool Oorzhak Yielded the Results of the Economic Development of the Republic and Announced the tasks for the New Year

Yesterday, at the extraordinary joint session of the two chambers of the Great Khural of the Republic of Tuva, the Chairman of the Government delivered his annual message to the Parliament. According to Sherig-ool Oorzhak, 2002 was a crucial year for Tuva.
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Dina Oyun
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