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Tuva: The Unknown War

The forgotten ally of USSR in Second World War

It seems that there are no more “white spots” left in the history of WWII. However, some pages of the history seem to have been more of less forgotten. The part of Tuvan National Republic as an ally of the USSR has been almost completely left out. Even though the help from Mongolia has been described in detail, there was practically no mention of Tuva.

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Aleksei Chichkin, “Rossiyskaya gazeta”, translated by Heda Jindrak

From “The breath of Tuva”

The Days of Tuva in Krasnoyarsk region will open on May 15.

In the morning, meetings between the leadership of Tuva and the students and aspirants of Siberian federal university will take place. Then the Agreement of co-operation between the two neighboring regions will be signed in the building of the Administration.

One of the exhibitions presented will include photographs of Old Tuva from the early years of the last century, which were taken by a native of Krasnoyarsk region, who later became the first photographer of Tuva, and the first director of the Tuvan museum, Vladimir Yermolaev.

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Informagentstvo and “Komsomolskaya Pravda” (Krasnoyarsk), translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva celebrates the Day of the Constitution together with its neighbors

Tuva, the republic in the center of Asia, celebrated its Day of the Constitution together with its neighbors. On May 6, an official delegation from Khakassia, headed by the Chairman of the Government, Viktor Zimin, arrived in Kyzyl. Together with the members of the government, a large contingent of Khakass businessmen also arrived as members of the delegation, on the new morning Abakan-Kyzyl flight.

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By information from the governmental press-service translated by Heda Jindrak

7-year-old Arat is back in Tuva after treatment

The seven-year-old boy, who is in the thoughts of all Tuva, came back to the republic. His mother Anisya Kiim-oolovna Mongush informed us that he is already back in Chadan and is in good spirits. He talks all the time without stopping, regardless of the fact that his speech is unclear. The Tuvan students who met him in Moscow at the Vnukovo airport also said that. They spent about 2 hours with him. “We were surprised by his energy. He told us everything about his illness, and many other interesting things,” said a member of the Moscow Tuvan association, Aziata Darzhaa.

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Kheimer-ool Oorzhak, translated by Heda Jindrak

The whole world is helping 7-year-old Arat – already 6 thousand US dollars has been collected

Collection of the means to help seven-year-old Arat, who has a brain tumor, is going on in Tuva. The action was initiated by Tuvan reporters. As soon as the first announcement that the little boy needs urgent help appeared, the Tuvan journalists immediately reacted. Quickly, contact with Arat’s mother, Anisya Kim-oolovna was established. She was invited to a press conference, where she told the reporters about her son’s condition.

The chief of Regulation of Courts, Alexandr Saryglar, deputy of Legislative House, president of foundation “Mama” Galina Munzuk, merited artist of Republic Tuva Galina Syuryun, and chief of department of propaganda of the “United Russia” party Saima Dalchin came to her support.

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Kheimer-ool Oorzhak, Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

A 7-year-old child from Tuva urgently needs help

A 7-year-old child from Tuva, who has cancer, urgently needs help. His mother posted an appeal to all the good-hearted people on internet site . This is the text of her letter:

Greetings! We live in Republic Tuva. There are three children in the family. Arat is the youngest one. He is seven years old.
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Kheimer-ool Oorzhak, translated by Heda Jindrak

High Lamas of Kalmykia and Tuva are asking that the Dalai-Lama is given Russian entrance visa

The heads of the Buddhist communities of two regions of Russia – shadzhin-lama of Kalmykia Telo Tulku Rimpoche, and kamby-lama of Tuva, Jampel Lodoy approached the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a common plea for the Dalai-Lama to be given an entrance visa to Russian territory.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

The Shamans are waiting for the Drum of the World

Kara-ool Dopchun-ool shamanizing. The one who speaks with the spirits believes that the main problem of humanity is lack of spirituality
Kara-ool Dopchun-ool shamanizing. The one who speaks with the spirits believes that the main problem of humanity is lack of spirituality. Photo by Yevgeniy Antufyev.
The shamanic organization “Adyg Eeren” (Bear Spirit) participates in the internacional project “Drum of the World”, founded in 2006 in Norway by Birger Mikkelson.

The author of the project set up an ideal goal – healing of the Earth. He believes that there is just one hope for humanity: to return to life in harmony with nature.

And to make that happen, everybody has to change inwardly, instead trying to change others. “ All lives are interconnected one with another by indelible ties”, is one of the main themes of the project.

“Adyg Eeren”, based in Kyzyl, submitted an application to participate in this project and was accepted.

The Drum of the World will come to republic Tuva in May 2009 and will stay until July.

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Center of Asia, by Nadezhda Antufyeva.
Translated by Heda Jindrak

The official date of the Buddhist New Year was announced in Tuva

Following the direction of the Kamby-Lama of the Republic, Tuvan Government officially determined the date of the Buddhist New Year – Shagaa. The date falls on a different day every year, and has to be calculated by the astrologists of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia. This year it falls on February 25.

The regulation which designates February 25 as a free day was accepted by the Parliament of the Republic on January 29, in accordance with the law “Government holidays in Republic Tuva”. The law-givers also stretched out the preceding work week, transferring the free day of Sarturday, Feb.21 to Tuesday, Feb.24 – “ for the reason of rational use of free and non-working days.”. That way, Shagaa, together with the “red” Monday, a Russian holiday dedicated to the Patriot Defenders of the country, will constitute a 4-day pre-new-year vacation.

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Heda Jindrak, after information from

Tuva trip a dream come true

About 10 years ago, Ed Michaud was driving home to Ellsworth when music came on his car radio unlike any he had heard. The singer seemed to be doing the impossible, vocalizing several different notes simultaneously. “It blew my mind as to how a person could create those sounds with their voice,” Mr. Michaud said.

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Mark Good / Mount Desert Islander
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