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Rally 'For Honest Elections' Takes Place in Kyzyl

Rally in Kyzyl against alexistrative pressure in favour of United Russia. Tuva. Photo by Vitali Shaifulin Over 2,000 people have taken part in a rally against mass alexistrative pressure for favoritism of the 'United Russia' party in the coming parliamentary elections. Participants from Pii-Khem, Tandy, Kaa-Khem, Chedi-Khol, Erzin districts have come to Kyzyl to voice their concern about it. They carried slogans 'For equal rights of candidates in the elections', 'United Russia Coward', 'We are against splitting Tuvan society into yours and aliens'.
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Dina Oyun

Warm and Sunny September and October in Tuva

Weather in Tuva. Photo by Vitali Shaifulin Tuvan weather this autumn has happened to be extraordinarily warm and mild as compared to heavy and frequent rains and low temperatures in summer. Today air temperature is expected to be +22 grade according to Celsium scale. An average temperature of +15 will stay in Tuva till mid-October, Kyzyl Meteo service forecasts.
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Chechena Bulytova

Suspects in Double Murder in Kyzyl Gambling House Detained

In course of 4 days investigation 3 young people with the ages of, 21, 18, 19, have been detained under suspicion of having killed Elika Oorzhak, 22, and Eduard Nursat, 21, who were working in a slot-machine pavilion. The atrocious double murder case, which provoked a huge resonance in the Tuvan society, was taken under personal control by head of Tuvan militia Viktor Lesnyak.
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Dina Oyun

Omsk Tourists Held up and Fired on in Tuva

A group of ten tourists from Omsk was held up and fired upon in the mountains of the Republic of Tuva, Itar-Tass learned on Sunday. The head of the group, Yuri Ryzhakov, is a lecturer for the Omsk Regional Center of Creative Development and Humanitarian Education, and gave his account to the paper.
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City Day Celebrations in Kyzyl

City Day celebrations opened today in Kyzyl, complete with horse-races in a repaired and restored hippodrome. The hippodrome was a favorite place for Kyzyl residents to visit in the seventies and eighties of the last century. During the period of perestroika it was left abandoned and was almost ruined.
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Dina Oyun

Two People Killed in Slot-Machine House

Two people were killed following an attack on a slot-machine pavillion in Kyzyl. The bloody body of a security guard was noticed early in the morning of September 4 by a car-driver who reported it to the police station. Militia arrived and found the corpse of Elika Oorzhak, 21, slot-machine operator, with numerous cuts on the face and body, supposedly left from an axe. Guardian Eduard Nursat was taken to hospital with serious injuries, where he died afterwards.
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Dina Oyun
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