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25 September 2012 | Views: 3396 | Comments: 0 |
A team of 10 teachers of Tuvan and English has finished the first stage of their work at forming Tuvan-English automatic translator, a part of a large-scale Internet project run by K David Harrison, an associate professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College and a National Geographic Fellow. David Harrison is a connoisseur of Tuvan and its active promoter. The Tuvan part of work would be finished within a year, linguists believe. Earlier this year BBC reported that Facebook, YouTube and even texting will be the salvation of many of the world's endangered languages, scientists believe.
24 September 2012 | Views: 3377 | Comments: 0 |
As a result of the accident, nine people were injured moderately, four killed, among which a 4-year-old and 9-year-old children.
At a distance of four kilometers from the village of Toora-Khem, administrative centre of Todzha district, a car with 13 passengers in (where no more than 5 admitted), went against a tree. 4 people died on the spot, 9 brought to a district hospital, from where 2 with minor wound were later released. 7 are still in the surgery department under the doctors’ control.
19 September 2012 | Views: 3582 | Comments: 0 |
Small woebegone figures were lying on the dirty garage floor. Legs tied up, "camo' feather pattern on the chest, and helmet-like hoods on their heads made them resemble captive soldiers. Soldiers, who have lost their war.
Speed and relentlessness
An attacking falcon represents approximately one kilogram of steel muscles and unbreakable bones, charging at a speed of more than 200 km/hour. He strikes with his whole body and claws, braking slightly at the last moment, so that he would not be crushed himself. This beautiful bird of prey has no natural enemies.
Irina Kachan, translated by Heda Jindrak |
17 September 2012 | Views: 3396 | Comments: 0 |
The genes of Alan-Goa, the mythological great-grandmother pf Genghis Khan and his son Jochi, were discovered by Kazakh geneticists in contemporary Todzhans - descendants of "Royal" Scythians.
When I found out that my genetic tree, which was kindly worked up for me by the molecular genetics laboratory in Alma-Ata, contains the genetic group "Rib", which is typical for representatives of descendants of the Celts (Irish, Scottish, and other Western Europeans) as well as Basques and Bashkirs, I was very surprised at first, because there were no migrants from Western Europe among my ancestors.
Nikolai Abaev, Tuvinskaya pravda newspaper, translated by Heda Jindrak |
15 September 2012 | Views: 3144 | Comments: 0 |
This was announced today by the head of State hunting and fishing commission Alexander Novikov. The arrest ocurred on the night of 7 September in Tes-Khem district of Tuva during joint activities with the police. As Alexander Novikov told us, 16 red Book balaban falcons were confiscated from the arrested poachers. "The birds are now being examined at the Stae commission. It has to be confirmed that they belong to a rare species, - Novikov said. - Afterwards the birds will be released again." According to preliminary data, two of the suspects are citizens of Kyzyl. The police is now investigating the situation.
gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
14 September 2012 | Views: 3175 | Comments: 0 |
Forest fires, that destroyed bear habitats in Tuva, forced the bears into a corner - as "Komsomolskaya pravda" informs us. Emaciated and homeless, when they gave it some thought, they took off and went on the road.
- According to information of hunters from Tuva, about 80 bears went on the move, - says Mikhail Kokorin from Kaz village. - They left their homes and are moving towards Kuzbass. Our taiga in Gornaya Shoria - that is what is drawing them.
This "army" of bears will soon get to Kuzbass, however, some will separate along the way.
Komsomolskaya pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak |
3 September 2012 | Views: 4390 | Comments: 0 |
The Government of Tuva has approved a bill that extends the right to municipalities to counter the problem of alcoholism in the region. If adopted by the organs of self-government of the local Hural approval of rural and urban settlements would have the power to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages, reports the press-service of the Government of the Republic.
29 August 2012 | Views: 3023 | Comments: 0 |
Tuvan territory is inhabited by 40 - 60 snow leopards; regardless of dangers of poaching, the numbers of the population remain stable. This was announced by the science vice-director of the "Ubsunur depression" nature preserve, Alexander Kuksin. Earlier evaluations went up to 100 individuals. In Kuksin's opinion, the stabilization of the snow leopard population in the region was achieved through the WWF of Russia program for preservation of this predator; Tuvan irbis population is the key cluster for preservation of this species in Russia.
RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak |
28 August 2012 | Views: 2833 | Comments: 0 |
For the first time, medical research study under field conditions was organized in Tuva at the remote arzhaan "Choigan". The medical team consists of eight practicing specialists from various therapeutic-prophylactic health care centers of the republic. The team includes a physiotherapist, neuropathologist, surgeon, a specialist in clinical laboratory diagnostics, otolaryngologist physician's aide-laboratory technologist, and one student of Republic medical College. The study was performed during the summer season of active visiting by vacationers seeking healing at medicinal springs of arzhaan Choigan, 0n 9 to 23 July 2012.
minzdrav.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
26 August 2012 | Views: 4862 | Comments: 0 |
Today, International Beauty Contest "Miss Center of Asia-2012" opens in the capital; two stages will be held at the National Theatre. The finale will take place on 26 August. As one of the main organizers of the contest, Kima Dongak, informed us, the goal of this international action is the popularization of the chief trademark of Tuva - the "Center of Asia" obelisk. All 14 of the beautiful contestants were today seen by the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool, who welcomed the girls and told them about the history, culture and noteworthy attractions of the republic.
gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |