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» Tuvan Representative Office in Moscow will be Finally Legalized
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«    March 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Representative Office in Moscow will be Finally Legalized

The Tuvan Representative Office in Moscow, a big mansion in the very centre of the Russian capital; will be officially registered as an immobile property of Tuva on the territory of the megapolis. The place for it was given to the republic as a gift by Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov in the 90-ties. It was a kind of compensation for the taken away in 1944 Embassy of the Tuvan People's Republic. In 1998 the construction of the new building was finished by a firm from Yugoslavia but Tuva did not cover all the expenses -thus the building was never officially put into exploitation and its status since then has been an illegal. It was not in the register list of the Moscow immobile property and received electricity, water, gas on private agreements of ex-embassador Orlan Cholbenei with the corresponding city services. Under this pretext the Tuvan official opened in the Representative Office a Korean restaurant whose incomes were never counted by a tax inspection. The budget of the Tuvan Office was a top Secret even for Tuvan deputies who tried to get into activity of this Tuvan affiliate.The office was practically closed for Tuvan diaspore in Moscow. The situation is going to change, reports governmental press-service, since its main actor is sacked.

Dina Oyun
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