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«    April 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Where to search for Genghis Khan's tomb?

Where to search for Genghis Khan's tomb?"I read recently that Astana historian Gizat Tabuldin says that he knows where Genghis Khan's grave is. But, as far as I know, it has not been found so far. It is also known that Tuvan scholar Nikolai Abayev has long been propagating the version that the tomb of the Shaker of the Universe is located in Tuva. It was in "Tuvinskaya pravda". So who is right?" (Sergei Kozlov, Kyzyl).

We turned to Doctor of History, Professor of TGU Nikolai Abayev for a commentary.

- Gizat Tabuldin is a Kazakh scholar of great authority.

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Tuvinskaya pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

A Buryat beauty won the crown of the International beauty contest "Miss Asia Alma Mater - 2012"

A Buryat beauty won the crown of the International beauty contest "Miss Asia Alma Mater - 2012"In 23 years of the history of beauty contests in Tuva, the republic played the host last weekend to a very representative group of beauties and masters of arts from the most varied regions of Russia. The contest of grace and accomplishment "Miss Asia Alma Mater - 2012 took place within the framework of the First international festival of creative youth "Adargan - 2012", with the support of the Government of Tuva, department of youth affairs and sports of Kyzyl, leadership of "Miss Russia International - 2012", and youth administration of the republic.

Vice-Premier Dina Oyun greeted the spectators and participants of the contest in the name of the Head of Republic Tyva.

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Aigul Kayumova, mkyzyl.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan throat singers to perform in Krasnoyarsk

Tuvan throat singers to perform in KrasnoyarskUnique ensemble "Tyva" from Kyzyl will perform at the Small concert hall of Krasnoyarsk, as announced by the Philharmony press-service.

"This is the first folk music ensemble in Republic Tyva, founded in 1988 to help the renaissance of Tuvan folk culture and for preservation of performing traditions of throat-singing, - we wee told. - From the first day when the ensemble was founded, the program is based on the five styles - sygyt, khoomei, kargyraa, ezengileer, and borbannadyr - with which the singer can produce two or more sounds at the same time."

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krskplus.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Shoigu believes that the capital city of Russia should be in Siberia

Shoigu believes that the capital city of Russia should be in SiberiaThe head of MChS of RF, Sergei Shoigu, who was confirmed last Thursday as the head of Moscow region, believes that the capital city of Russia should be in Siberia.

"Generally everybody speaks well of the idea, and I am, certainly, one of them. I believe that our capital should be moved somewhere farther away, to Siberia. Well, that is what I think," - said Shoigu on air in "Russian news service".

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RIA-novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak

Natalia Solovieva: "Tuva is the homeland of the Scythians"

Natalia Solovieva: "Tuva is the homeland of the Scythians"In the framework of a joint educational project of Russian geographic Society and Academy of  citizens' defense MChS of Russia, a lecture was given by the head of Department of  protective archeology of Institute of History of material culture of RAN, co-ordinator of archeologic-geographic expedition of Russian geographic Society "Kyzyl - Kuragino", Natalia Fedorovna Solovieva, where she explained how archeologic discoveries are made. Natalia Solovieva:  You have heard about the extremely interesting rescue expedition which we are currently preparing in connection with the RGO project "Kyzyl - Kuragino".
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rgo.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Special regime for fire prevention established in Tuva

Special regime for fire prevention established in TuvaSpecial fire-prevention regime will begin in Tuva on 15 April. The decision was made at a meeting of the government of the republic.  As the chairman of State forest commission of RT, Vadim Kyzyl-ool, who presented documents for evaluation by the government announced, the necessity for a special regime is occasioned by the high danger of spread of forest and steppe fires. According to a proposal by the commission, from 15 April to 1 June there will be additional requisites for fire safety.

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gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan delicacy - SOGAZHA - introduced at the International Tourism Forum in Kyzyl

Tuvan delicacy - SOGAZHA  - introduced at the International Tourism Forum in KyzylLiver kebab, one of the chief Tuvan delicacies - sogazha - was introduced in the framework of tasting of national dishes at the Second International Tourism Forum "Tuva: Crossroads of routes and cultures", which took place in Kyzyl on 5 April. It brought together the heads of Siberian regions, borderland aimaks of Mongolia and representatives of tourism business. A yurt and tent town were constructed on the main square of the capital, where the key tourist projects of the region will be introduced.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Sergei Shoigu unanimously confirmed as Governor of Moscow region

Sergei Shoigu unanimously confirmed as Governor of Moscow regionDelegates of Moscow region Duma unanimously supported the candidacy of Sergei Shoigu, who was nominated for the position of Governor of Moscow region last night by the President. Mr. Shoigu himself remarked that he will be sorry to leave the MChS; to him it will be just like sending a daughter off to be married after bringing her up for twenty years.

On Thursday, Moscow region delegates supported the president's candidate for the position of Governor of Moscow region: all 46 members of the Duma gave their votes to Shoigu.
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mk.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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