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«    Fabruary 2013    »
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Archeologists are seeking volunteers for excavations in Krasnoyarsk Krai and Tuva

Archeologists are seeking volunteers for excavations in Krasnoyarsk Krai and TuvaRussian Geographic Society and "Khakasskiy" nature preserve announced the third session of recruitment of volunteers for excavations of Early Scythian archeological sites in Tuva and Krasnoyarsk Krai - in locations of the future "Kyzyl - Kuragino" railway route. An agreement was signed on 15 February , as the web-site of the preserve, which was read by the correspondent of Sib.fm, states.

Khakass Republic section of Russian Geographic Society and nature preserve "Khakasskiy" announced recruitment of volunteers for participation in the third field season of the international archeologic-geographic expedition "Kyzyl - Kuragino", as the preserve's site announced.

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sib.fm, translated by Heda Jindrak

Exploring materials: Italian exhibition of Evgeny Antufiev, native of Tuva

Exploring materials: Italian exhibition of Evgeny Antufiev, native of TuvaOn 16 February at 18:00 hours in the city of Reggio Emilia, there was a ceremonial opening of exhibition of Evgeny Antufiev, twenty-six year-old Russian artist, a native of Republic Tyva.

Colleccione Maramotti is the largest private collection of contemporary art of XX Century from the '50's to our time, which was originated by the founder of Max Mara company Achille Maramotti, and which is now continued by his two sons - Luigi and Ignace, and daughter Ludovica. The collection holds about five hundred works of art ranging from Francis Backham, and Parmigiani to Alex Katz - artists hailing from Italy, USA, England, Germany and France.

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Dmitri Fedosov, director of "Ralph Inc" agency, translated by Heda Jindrak

Two-part film about Tuva made with support of Russian Geographic Society

Two-part film about Tuva made with support of Russian Geographic SocietyEditing of film about Tuva filmed with support of Russian Geographic Society as part of the cycle "Fortunate People" is almost complete. In the summer of 2012, the film team led by director Dmitry Vasyukov visited remote, inaccessible areas of Tuva. Regardless of forest fires raging in many districts of Tuva, the film team successfully shot a massive volume of material, containing scenes of life and customs of people from the most distant corners of the republic.

Much of this material is truly exclusive, which will undoubtedly influence the final quality of the film.
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rgo.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

School for folk craftsmen to be founded in Tuva

School for folk craftsmen to be founded in Tuva

In the remote Bai-taiga kozhuun of Tuva in Kyzyl-Dag village, the main epicenter of master craftsmen of the republic (4 artists born in the village have been awarded the Government prize of Russia), there will be a school of arts for teaching the students traditional folk crafts - stone-carving, making of kogeerzhik, the leather vessels of ancient nomads, embossing on leather and metalwork.  This was announced by master craftsmen from Kyzyl-Dag Sergei Kochaa and Saaya Kogel to the participants of discussion group GPK in the project "One village - one product".

The idea of folk craftsmen was supported by the Ministry of education of the republic, which received the Letter by the Head of the region Sholban Kara-ool, ordering the re-establishment of the practice of "apprenticeship with a folk craftsman".

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Dina Oyun, photo by Vitaliy Shaifulin

Tuvan archive of a Polish journalist

The home of  the journalist Ryszard Badowski in Warsaw is decorated with souvenirs from all the continents - evidence of a life filled with trips and encounters.

"Six continents" - that is the name of Ryszard Badowski's long-running show about various countries and cultures on Polish TV. "Six continents" -  repeat all the cab-drivers, as soon as they recognize the man on the porch of the house.

When I returned from a trip to Poland in early January, I realized that the house in Warsaw with its hospitable owners has become one of my beloved places on Earth.

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Viktoria Peemot, "Tuvinskaya pravda"

"Tomskavia" is planning to fly to Kyzyl

"Tomskavia" is planning to fly to KyzylAirline "Tomsk Avia" is planning to begin performing regular passenger flights from Tomsk to Novosibirsk, Gorno-Altaisk and other Siberian cities with a light  Cessna 208B Grand Caravan airplane in 2013. The flight weight of this airplane is less than 4 tons, and it can take nine to 13 passengers, as the airline's press-service informed NIA Tomsk .

Tomsk airport received the permission to accept airplanes of this type last week, after which the first test flights to Novosibirsk and Gorno-Altaisk took place.  The uninterrupted flight time from Gorno-Altaisk to Tomsk took two hours.

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The first international biennale of contemporary urban sculpture to be held in Tuva - Center of Asia


Tuva is planning to hold a biennale of contemporary urban sculpture with invitations to Russian and foreign sculptors. After the end of the exhibition, the works will be placed in the streets of Tuvan capital.

This is a joint project of  Ministry of Culture of Tuva and of the mayor's office of Kyzyl to celebrate  the 100th anniversary of  the republic's joining with Russia, and 100th anniversary of  Kyzyl. As the ministry announced, the idea of the contest originated with the well-known sculptor Baiza Ondar and his Kievan colleague Nikita Mazayev. They will attempt to mobilize other colleagues to take part, including those from Russian regions and from abroad. 12 works will be selected from sketches submitted by the contestants, and the authors will be invited to Tuva, where they will create the actual sculptures.

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Rehabilitation of relict pine forest in Tuva

Rehabilitation of relict pine forest in TuvaIn order to preserve a unique part of nature, Government of Tuva declared the re-establishment of Balgazyn Pine Forest as one of priority activities of Forest Committee activities for the next few years. The forest is located 100 km from the capital of the republic, Kyzyl, at the foot of Tannu-Ola mountain ridge. The area of the forest massif, surrounded by steppes of Central Tuvan Depression, is 28,000 hectares. This is one of the oldest preserves in Tuva, which is the habitat of a large herd of wild roe-deer among other animals.  The Balgazyn pine forest with its pure healing air is also the home of  the tuberculosis sanatorium of the republic.

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Info from government press-service of Government of Tuva, photo by Vladimir Savinykh

Prognosis for Year of the Snake by shaman Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak

TyvaTuvans, just like many other oriental nations, welcome the New Year - Shagaa - according to the lunar calendar. The holiday does not have a constant date.  It can fall on any day between the end of January to early March. But most often it takes place in February. Celebrating the Lunar New Year is becoming more and more popular in Tuva with every year. All the time there are fewer people in the republic who are indifferent to Shagaa. This holiday really unites people. The correspondent of this daily found out what there is to expect for people this year, and what the year will be like.

Do not hold on to evil

For those who do not know it yet, this year people of Tuva will be observing Shagaa during the night from 10 to 11 February.

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Kristina Mikhailova, plusinform.ru

Ethno-training in Tuva before Shagaa

Ethno-training in Tuva before ShagaaIn Tuva, tomorrow, on 6 February at 16:00 at the Headquarters of youth organizations at USK "Subedei", there will be conducted an ethno-training event. It was initiated by Youth administration of the republic. As Syrga Suvakput, the organizer, told "Tuva-Online", the idea was born a long time ago.

"We wanted to teach young people about our traditional rituals, their history and philosophical content. Unfortunately, lectures and excursions are traditional and young people do not always come to them. But such a creative event as this should attract young people, we thought about it and decided to hold ethno-training just before Shagaa."

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
Event announces

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