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Tuvan Female Throat Singing Group to Perform in Seattle

Tyva Kyzy female throat-singing ensemble performs today as part of a panel presentation on traditional Tuvan culture at the Seattle Asian Art Museum, 1400 E. Prospect St. Free. 6 p.m. Thurs. Jan. 25, and in a full-scale concert at Meany Hall, UW campus, 543-4880, 8 p.m. Sat. Jan. 27.
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Seattle Weekly

Ancient Uyghur Fortress on a Tuvan Lake to Turn into a Recreation and Tourist Centre

alt An ancient Uigur Fortress (Por-Bazhyn) on a Tere-Khol lake in the eastern part of Tuva (near Kungurtuk village) can become a 'Russian Shaolin' as Sergei Shoigu, native Tuvan and currently Russian minister for Extraordinary Situations (second in popularity after President Putin Russian) put it in today's Rossiiskaya Gazeta daily.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Shamans Come into Internet

Ai-Churek Shamanic society "Tos Deer" (Nine Heavens) has launched its official web site on the Internet. Today on one can learn about the community's Shamans, their leader Ay-Churek (Moonheart), shamanic seminars and tours. The site is developed by web-designer Valeri Irgit. In total there are over 6 official Shaman societies in the Republic of Tuva. They take route from the first ever officially registered in Tuva Dungur (Drum) society.
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Dina Oyun

Russian-Tuvan Karma Knot Album Released

alt One of the most pleasant discoveries of 2006, thanks to social networking site Myspace, is Berlin-based Russian multi-instrumentalist Vladiswar Nadishana. He has released several self-produced CDs on his own label. On Russian - Tuvan Karma Knot Vladiswar Nadishana collaborates with Tuvan throat singer Ayas Kholazhyk (Tyva ensemble) and multi-instrumentalist Youl'.
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Red Pig Year Comes in Mid-February

Tuvan Kamby-Lama Management wishes everybody in Tuva Happy New 2007 year, prosperity and development to the republic and 'hei at' (keep your spirit up) to Tuvan people. Lamas say that according to their calculations, Shagaa, New Year in Moon calendar, comes over the night from February 17 to 18.
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Dina Oyun, Sayana Mongush

Tuvan Choreographer Becomes Miss Krasnoyarsk 2007 Producer

The organizing committee of the tenth annual beauty contest "Miss Krasnoyarsk Miss Centre of Asia show staged by Vyacheslav Dongak 2007" has charged Tuvan choreographer Vyacheslav Dongak with production, Tuva-Online news agency reports.

"We like his ability to show and take into consideration individual features of every participant, to choose plastics for each of them correctly. Moreover, he can organize and present a beautiful show for viewers," Regina Kuzmenko, the Vice President of Krasnoyarsk Aerobics and Fitness Federation, believes.

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Russian Beauty Contest to Be Held in Kyzyl

Russian Beauty Contest in 2005. Photo from Risk-inform news-paper site The Fourth Russian Beauty Contest is to be held in Kyzyl on December 23. Girls aged from 14 to 25 are invited to take part in it. The Russian Beauty compliments another beauty contest in Tuva, the annual Dangyna, in which top places are usually taken by Tuvan girls. The better part of pretenders in both contests are schoolgirls under 16.

In 2004 the Second Russian Beauty was accompanied by a scandal.

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Dina Oyun

Uyghur Fortress in Tuva to Be Restored

A unique ancient Uigur fortress (dates back to 8 century A.C.) on an ireland in the middle of Tere-Khol (there is another Tere-Khol lake in the southern part of Tuva bordering Mongolia) lake is going to be restored.
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Dina Oyun

Yat-Kha's Leader to Write a Soundtrack for a Film about Chingiskhaan

Albert Kuvezin, world-famous Yat-kha group leader, signed a contract for a soundtrack of 'On Chigiskhaan's Will' film, IA Regnum reports. The film is based on a novel by Yakut writer Nikolai Luginov. The film crew headed by Andrei Borisov, famous Yakut theatre director and culture minister in the Yakut government, this summer had been filming in Tuva.
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Triumph of Tuvan Throat Singers in Moscow

Tyva ensemble. Photo by Alisa Burmistrova Legendary 'Tyva' ensemble opened a 3-day program of the Third Kyzyl-Moscow Festival in the Central House of Artists concert hall. The third generation of the 'Tyva' Ensemble turned out to be none the worse its first outstanding ten. 'Tyva', founded in late eighties in cooperation of ethnomusicologist Zoya Kyrgyz with remarkable throat singer from Oviur, Gennady Tumat, was a pioneer in ensemble throat singing in Tuva. Ten singers of the Tyva ensemble set a new ensemble mode which is nowadays wide-spread in Tuva.
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Dina Oyun
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