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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Proper Tuvan Revenues Make up 3 Per Cents of the Budget

The Budget Committee of the Supreme Khural (Parliament) of Tuva has considered and discussed at its session the implementation of the republican budget for the 1st half of this year. The half a year profits of Tuva state at 171,1 billion roubles out of which its own profits make up 53,1 billion. The proper Tuvan income makes 3 % out of the whole budget of the republic (in 2000 - 3,5 %). The rest of the Tuvan budget comes from Moscow.
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Parliamentary Press-service

60 more Tuvan Students will Come to Moscow

60 more students from Tuva came to Moscow this year. Today the 1st year students took a solemn students oath. This is the first time when the Council of Tuvan community in Moscow organizes such a ceremony for the Tuvan newcomers to higher institutions of Moscow.
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Alexandr Papyn

Tuvan Airpark is Renovated

The Government of the Republic of Tuva decided to support financially the maintenance work of the airplanes park of the republic which has not been renewed for a long time. Two airplanes "Yak-40" will be repaired in the Minsk aviation plant (Byelorussia) and two airplanes "An-2" will undergo a small reconstruction in Omsk (Siberia) in order to adapt them for another type of the fuel.
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Dina Oyun

New Solo Programme by Famous Tuvan opera-singer Nadezhda Krasnaya

Moscow philarmonics has opened its new concert season with the solo programme by famous Tuvan opera-singer Nadezhda Krasnaya. She presented to the public her own interpretation of romances by Edward Grig's "Roses" and "Swan" and Sergei Rakhmaninov's "Do not sing in my presence, Beauty" and "Spring waters". Right after the concert was over Nadezhda Krasnaya had to go to the airport to take a plane to Kyzyl. Her mother has got very seriously ill.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Awards are on Exhibit in Moscow

The National Historical Museum on the Red Square has put forward a new project "Awards of the XXth century". The museum already disposes of next to the full collection of Tuva's awards (1926-1943) and the lists of the awarded. To make it even fuller the Museum has applied to the Tuvan Government for missing signs "The merited cattle-breeder" and "The merited State security officer" of the TNR"s period and also to provide the Museum with a set of the contemporary awards of Tuva. Contact number: 7-095-1621921
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Dina Oyun

Sevian Vainstein is Given an Award from Putin

2001 is a remarkable year in the biography of famous ethnographer Sevian Vainstein, who has devoted the better part of his life to Tuva. In April this year by the Decree of President Putin he was awarded with the title of the "Merited Scientist of the Russian Federation". Sevian Vainstein is now finishing the work at the book "Tuva, full of secrets and mysteries: 50 years of expeditions and work", which is going to be released by the Publishing House "Anloutte Verlag" (Jurgen Boden) in Germany. Afterwards it will be translated into English and French.
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Dina Oyun

International Centre on Biosphere research in the Ubs-Nuur Hollow is Turning Today 10!

International Centre on Biosphere research in the Ubs-Nuur Hollow is celebrating today its 10th anniversary. The scientific conference devoted to it is taking place both in Tuva (Kyzyl) and in Mongolia (Kovd). The Ubs-Nuur center, founded by Professor Victor Bugrovski, has paved way to a principally new school in ecology "Functional Ecology" which makes it possible to observe the changes in ecosystems in its dynamics. The Ubs-Nuur Hollow is an ideal place for such observations. It's a kind of the Earth model combining on the relatively small territory practically all natural zones: from a tundra to a desert.
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Sayana Mongush

Tuvan-Mongolian Fair

Today the International Fair is opened in the village of Khandagaity (Oviur district of Tuva). The Mongolian and Tuvan goods are exhibited and sold there. Among participants of the Fair are more than 200 enterprises and individuals from Tuva, Ubs, Kovd and Bayan-Ulgi aimaks of Mongolia.
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Press-service of the Government

Tuvan People Express their Solidarity with Americans

The Tuvan President's condolescence is published today in the republic. It reads:"On behalf of the people of the Republic of Tuva I express deep concern for the further development of the situation in the world and sincere condolescence to the families of all those perished in New-York. We are with Americans. We condemn all kinds of terror, no matter where it takes place. I support the idea of President Putin to work out international law regulations for the struggle against terrorism. Only uniting our efforts in the fight against terrorism we can expect effective results".
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Press-service of the Government

Tuvan Books are on Exhibit in the International Moscow Book Fair

Out of all the exhibition of different Publishing Houses of Russia, put on displau at the XIV International Moscow Book Fair, the exposition of the House of Peoples of Russia was in much greater demand. Hosts of this exposition Chimit-Dorzhu Ondar and Sergei Kuchinski had to answer numerous questions concerning books and magazines about the life of different nationalities of Russia. As they have said afterwards, this experience has proved once again the necessity to open up a special bookstore with the literature on People of Russia on sale. Such a store will begin functoning in October this year in the main Pavillion at VDNH (all-Russian Exhibition Centre) in Moscow.
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Dina Oyun
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