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16 August 2002 | Views: 2522 | Comments: 0 |
This evening a shamanic ceremony was performed by the shamen from the Tos Deer (Nine Heavens) Society, with Ai-Churek (Moon Heart) leading. The performance was specially held on the 9th day of new moon, and was devoted to a "moon of yellow leaf", wishing prosperity and well-being to the Tuvan people. The shamen also pleaded for rain, as the dry summer could leave the cattle without food in the winter time.
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16 August 2002 | Views: 2926 | Comments: 0 |
The second day of the festival began with an awards ceremony which took place at the Ministry of Agriculture, and was chaired by 1st Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic, Victor Lavrinenko. Here the best farmers and cattle breeders were given premia--premium money for their good jobs--and souvenirs.
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15 August 2002 | Views: 2830 | Comments: 0 |
The first day of the celebration of the national festival, Naadym, began with a poor showing of decorative arts on Lenin St. in Kyzyl in the morning. Following at 6pm was an official ceremony in the National Drama Theatre, which was transmitted throughout the Republic. The people invited to the event included veterans, merited workers, and delegates from the districts (kozhuun) of Tuva.
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14 August 2002 | Views: 4214 | Comments: 0 |
The Government of Tuva has approved and made public the official program of the Naadym Festival, which celebrates the Day of the Republic. Naadym is celebrated in Tuva from August 15th through August 17th. On August 15th, from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m., an exhibition of decorative arts will be held in the central streets of Kyzyl.
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11 August 2002 | Views: 3288 | Comments: 0 |
Forest fires were renewed in the southern Erzin district of Tuva, reported the head alexistrator of Erzin, Aldyn-Kys Kombu (who is the only female district admistrator head in Tuva). The fires are due to the dry thunderstorms which often occur in Russia--lighting occurs, but no rain follows. Many shepherds campsites have already burned, 25 in all, and half of the forest territory of Erzin is on fire.
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7 August 2002 | Views: 2906 | Comments: 0 |
The lack of English teachers in the villiage schools was discussed in a government meeting. The absence of the English language in those schools curriculums make it practically impossible for the country graduates to get higher education. In order to improve the situation it was decided that starting this year, a zero-group at the Tuvan State University will be set up for those who will study in the English department at the University. After they graduate they will have to return to their native villiages to teach English at schools.
Governmental Press-Service |
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5 August 2002 | Views: 2401 | Comments: 0 |
Austria-based Tuvan singer Sainkho Namchylak left today for Firenza where she will start working on a new album. The last album, "Stepmother City", has just been successfully presented in Paris. Sainkho is planning to finish her first stage of work in Italy on August 14 and then fly to Tuva in order to take part in the national festivities devoted to the day of the Republic, celebrated on August 15th.
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4 August 2002 | Views: 3083 | Comments: 0 |
A press conference was held by Konstantin Chugunov, head of the archaelogical expedition from Saint-Petersbourg annually working in Tuva, and Omak Shyrap, head of the archaeological service of Tuva. They reported on last year and this year's excavations of the Pii-Khem district, which became world-renowned when an untouched burial mound of a Scythian tsar couple with 20 kg gold decorations all over their corpses was discovered. This year the grave was dated to be from the 7th century B.C.. Mr. Chugunov expressed the desire of the archaeological team to turn the mound into an open-air museum.
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4 August 2002 | Views: 2907 | Comments: 0 |
The parents of the married shepherd couple recently killed by a runaway soldier appeared at the Procurators Office. They demanded both criminal responsibility and financial compensation from the people responsible for their son and his wife's deaths.
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3 August 2002 | Views: 2885 | Comments: 0 |
The Statistics Committee of Tuva has released the Republic's socio-economic development data for the first half of 2002. Industrial production increased 6.9% from last year, earning 591 million rubles. Agricultural production reflected the decline of both cattle (-7.8%) and horse (-13.7%) numbers, earning 507.6 milllion rubles--only 93.6% of last years total. Retail Trade turnover was 137.9 million rubles.