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Throat Singing Workshop and Performance at Erie Art Museum

The Erie Art Museum invites singers and non-singers alike to a throat singing workshop with internationally touring Tuvan throat singers Chirgilchin on Wednesday, November 8 at 7 p.m. in the Erie Art Museum Annex. Cost is $5 per person. Workshop attendees will receive a $5 off tickets to Chirgilchin’s Nov. 9 performance.
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Tuvan Huun-Huur-tu Performs in Southern Oregon

There are about 305,000 people living in the South Siberian steppes and mountains of the Tuva Republic of Russia, a landlocked region at the heart of Asia. Theirs is an ancient culture and their music-making is among the world's oldest and most unusual.

St. Clair Productions will present Huun-Huur-Tu, one of the best known performing groups of Tuvan throat-singing, on Friday, Oct. 27, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Rogue Valley, 87 Fourth St., Ashland.

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Mail Tribune

Sainkho to Perform in London Jazz Festival

If you want to ... explore the outer edges of jazz, hear the extraordinary Sainkho Namchylak (Cargo, November 14), the mountain-chanter from Tuva in Siberia. She can sing with operatic purity, plummet into an overtone-laden world like a distant didgeridoo, creak like a chain straining on a winch or flutter like a songbird.
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The Guardian

Kyzyl-Moscow Music Festival to Take Place in Mid-November

alt The third 'Kyzyl-Moscow' Festival is to take place in mid-November in the Russian capital, festival directir Georgi Beletski told Tuva-Online. Among Tuvan groups and performers who would take part in it are 'Saradak', Khogzhum', Kheimer-ool Khovalyg, Khakassian singer Yulia Charkova, and an ensemble of authentic music from Irkutsk.
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Dina Oyun

Sainkho's New Poetry Book Presented in Italy

Sainkho. Photo from Gazeta 'Karmaland', Sainkho's new poetry book, complete with her new CD, these days is presented in Italy. A number of presentation will take place - from Turin to Milan. This is not the first belletristic experience of the famous Tuvan singer currently based in Austria. Her first verses were published in late eighties in the Tuvan 'Ulug-Khem' literature magazine.
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Dina Oyun

Book on Tuva Successfully Presented at Frankfurt Book Fair

Geheimnisvolles Tuwa by Sevian Vainshtein World-largest Frankfurt Book fair this year saw 7,272 exhibitors from 113 countries display almost 400,000 titles while India as Guest of Honour country promoted its culture and literature.

Among new books presented at the 58th edition of the fair was a Tuvan one published at Alouete Verlag (Hambourg, Germany) - Misterious Tuva. Expeditions into the Heart of Asia' (Geheimnisvolles Tuwa. Expeditionen in das Herz Asiens) by Sevian Vainshtein. It is based on ethnographic notes made by Moscow researcher Sevian Vainshtein in course of his 10-year-long studies in Tuva.

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Dina Oyun

Huun-Huur-tu to Perform in Berkeley

The central Asian republic of Tuva has a band named Huun-Huur-Tu which is largely responsible for introducing the world to a tradition virtually unknown outside of the country. The quartet uses throat singing — a method of using a single voice to produce several notes and overtones at the same time — to create an eerie, riveting presentation with a centuries-old tradition, thus East Bay Express announces their preformance.
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East Bay Express

Sainkho to Perform in Moscow

World renowned Tuvan singer Sainkho Namchylak is performing today in Moscow. She will give a concert in the cultural centre 'Dom', founded by her friend Nikolai Dmitriev. Her performance will be part of the festival 'Long Arms-3', devoted to Nikolai Dmitriev's memory.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Shaman Invited to Germany to Illustrate Photo Exhibition on Shamanism

Tuvan shaman of 'Dungur' society Laso Mongush is coming tomorrow to Freiburg (Germany) to perform a shamanic ritual in the Adelhausermuseum for Nature and Folk Art. He will also give a lecture on the traditional way of delivery by Tuvan women.
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Dina Oyun

Prayer Drum Installed and Sanctified in Kyzyl

Sanctification of the prayer drum in Kyzyl. Photo by Igor Yancheglov The first Buddhist prayer drum has been installed and sanctified on Arat Square in Kyzyl. The drum faces the buildings of the Government, Parliament of Tuva, and Drama Theatre surrounding the central square.

Tibetan monks from two monasteries and local lamas have taken part in it. The copper body of the prayer drum was filled with the mantra "Om mani padme hum" in SansKrit and Tibetan.

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Julia Zhironkina, Dina Oyun
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