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20 November 2007 | Views: 4289 | Comments: 0 |
On November, 17th participants of the archaeological expedition on preserving the cultural heritage monument Por-Bajin met in the Academy of Civil Protection of EMERCOM. The event collected students from Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kazan, Tuva State universities, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University, and also leading experts from various Russian and foreign scientific organizations.
12 November 2007 | Views: 3920 | Comments: 0 |
On November, 2, 2007 the Coordination Council of the preservation project of the cultural monument of federal value - fortress "Por-Bazhyn" took place. The following persons participated in the meeting: deputy director on scientific works at the State Museum of Peoples' Arts of the East T.K. Mkrtychev, director of the Archeological department of the Ancient and Medieval East at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.A. Arzhantseva, senior scientific co-worker of the Institute of Material Culture V. A Zavyalov, senior lecturer of the Geological faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University I.N. Modin, first category restorer of the State Scientific Research Institute of Restoration G.E. Veresotskaya, and main architect of Regional Architectural Art Fund R. A. Vafiev.
20 October 2007 | Views: 8871 | Comments: 1 |
Exhibition devoted to the Por-Bazhyn fortress in Tuva in the south of Siberia, in close vicinity of the Russian-Mongolian border, on the island,
situated on a high–mountain lake, will open in the State East Museum in Moscow on November 7 and will close on 25. This summer a large scale expedition excavated the remnants of the Por-Bazhyn Fortress that was built in the middle of the 8th century. Translated from the Tuvin language Por–Bazhin means an “earthenware house”. The expedition’s leader Professor Viktor Solovyov believes that it was a “summer residence' of the Uyghur Kagan. Most of its facilities were not inhabited rooms as they had a through passage. A facility in Tuva is a monument with complex architecture: there’s a labyrinth of buildings inside a regular rectangle.
11 October 2007 | Views: 4172 | Comments: 1 |
If you're into throat singing, you are certainly going to enjoy Chirgilchin, a voice harmonizing quartet from Tuva, a small Russian province north of western Mongolia.
It is a known fact that some of the best throat singers in the world hail from Tuva and a few of them are members of Chirgilchin.
Take Igor Koshkendey. He has twice won the Tuvan International Throat Singing competition, winning in all of the six styles of throat singing.
Nate Guidry, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette |
7 September 2007 | Views: 3391 | Comments: 0 |
It largely remains a mystery how a human voice can produce several pitches at once, but for Tuvans the art of throat singing comes naturally, picked up like a language. This vocal ability is believed to have developed from people trying to communicate with nature by mimicking its sounds.
The Republic of Tuva, at the geographical centre of Asia, is one of Russia's most isolated regions nestling on the border with Mongolia.
Tuvans believe that everything surrounding them – not only animals but rivers, trees and stones – is inhabited by spirits. And by learning their language, a human can capture the power of nature.
3 September 2007 | Views: 3706 | Comments: 1 |
3 days starting tomorrow, September 4th till September 6th, Tuva will feature in the "Russia Close-Up" series with Ann Smith on "Russia Today" TV-channel. Every 2 hours after 10 am Tuvan time (GMT+8 daylight) till 10 pm you will be able to see the ancient palace of Por-Bazhyn and learn that it's a race against time for those excavating at the palace.
29 July 2007 | Views: 3884 | Comments: 2 |
Tuvan music expert Valentina Suzukei defended Doctorate 'Cultural Historical Roots of Musical Heritage of Tuvans, its Present State and Modernisation in XX Century' and became a doctor in cultiral studies. Her multifacetous study of Tuvan music culture in the XXth century was published in a monography issued in early 2007. The scientist takes a closer look at the Tuvan musical phenomenon, analyses it in the context of the nomadic world perception, gives a full account of the ritual and labour musical practices, songs, instrumental music, Tuvan traditional instruments, makes a survey of both positive and negative consequences of the attempts to 'adapt' Tuvan music to European standards.
24 July 2007 | Views: 3498 | Comments: 0 |
Famous archaeologist, siberian Middle Age researcher, merited professor at the Moscow State University Leonid Kyzlasov, 83, died today. His contribution to the study of the Tuva's history is huge, he is the main investigator of ancient and middle age history of Tuva. Kyzlasov was among the first to make an archaeological periodisation of Tuva's history. Out of his 50 archaeological expeditions 30 were carried out on the territory of Tuva. He found 18 ancient cities in Tuva, among which was Por-Bazhyn. He left a tremendous scientific heritage - over 100 articles and 30 books. Tuvan Prime-Minister Sholban Kara-ool expressed condolescence to Leonid Kyzlasov family in which he stressed the scientist's significant contribution to the study of Tuva.
5 July 2007 | Views: 3628 | Comments: 0 |
The Stan Rogers Folk Festival has come and gone for another year and by all accounts it was a successful one. I heard great music, met great people and stayed (reasonably) dry. One of the big stories of the festival was the weather that stayed rain and fog free until late Sunday afternoon. Even then, it was only a fairly brief set of showers, nothing compared to the heavy rain they had leading up to the weekend.
The sky was clear and the “blue” moon was out all three nights.
Dan MacDonald, the Cape Breton Post |
23 June 2007 | Views: 3654 | Comments: 0 |
Alash! Throat Singers of Tuva will perform tonight at Western Connecticut State University.
An award-winning ensemble of four young men from Tuva, bordering Outer Mongolia, Alash! employs the traditional technique of throat singing, also called xoomei, which allows an individual performer to sing more than one note at a time. In traditional Tuvan music, the singers often use their voices and instruments to create the sounds of bird whistles, bubbling streams, cantering horses and howling wolves, producing a musical portrait of the forested taiga and windswept steppes of their homeland.