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«    July 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Unique Eye-Witness Evidence Collected Throughout 50 Years in Tuva by World-Famous Ethnographer Now Available! In German.

One of the fullest first-hand accounts of Tuva presented by world-famous ethnographer Sev'an Vainshtein is now available to true lovers of the republic. Germany (not Russia) was the first to publish scientist's notes taken down throughout 50 years of his expeditions to Tuva in the book with the corresponding tittle 'Mysterious Tuva: Expeditions into the Heart of Asia'. The book was released at the Alouette Verlag together with the photos, throat-singing samples and a DVD-film.Famous Russian film-maker Leonid Kruglov managed to see the farthest corners of Tuva which many of the Tuvans have not ever seen.
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Dina Oyun

'Tyvaexpo-2005' will be Held in Kyzyl in Late August

For the 3 days in the end of summer Kyzyl will turn into a hot market place. Tuvan capital will host the 2nd Interregional Fair 'Tyvaexpo' in August, 26-28. It is the second time that the best good produced in Siberia, Mongolia, Northern China will be on show and sale in the centre of Asia.
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Dina Oyun

Direct flight Moscow-Kyzyl Finally Resumed

'Interavia' air company, successor of the 'Astair' which went bankrupt, resumes its flights to Kyzyl, Domodedovo airport press-service reports. Beginning from the 1st of August on 'Yak-42' aircraft will fly twice a week – on Monday and Friday following Moscow-Kyzyl-Moscow route.
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Dina Oyun

'Dersu Uzala' Film Celebrates its 30th Anniversary

Today Oscar-winner 'Dersu Uzala' film will be on in the 'Naiyral' cinema-house. Its show is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the film's release. The meeting of the public with the Yakut director Andrei Borisov will follow the film show, Svetlana Munzuk told the 'Tuva-Online' correspondent. Borisov, minister of culture of the Yakut republic, ia also a well-known theatre director.
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Dina Oyun

Two European Bicyclists are to Visit Tuva On their Way to Vladivostok

Today two cyclists from Europe are to cross Tuva on their way to Vladivostok. 19-year-old Michael Hartleben (Germany) and 41-year-old John Yahtes (Great Britain) started their journey on the 14th of May. They are to overcome 13000 km and cross the borders of Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, China and then again coming back to Russian Vladivostok.
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Dina Oyun

Tuva Takes the Second Place in the Syphilis Rate List

Tuva takes the second place in the Syphilis rate list out of the 89 Russian regions 'letting only' Chukotka come ahead.
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Dina Oyun

Average Tuvan Man Lives 49 Years

Life duration in Tuva is the lowest in the Russian Federation. Tuvan men on the average live 49 years and women - 60. Drustic figures. Compared to those in Dagestan where men's life duration is 65, women's – 70. Close to Dagestan figures are moscovites.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Term 'Ugba' has Provoked Discussion at the International Conference

3 Tuvan scientists have taken part in the 48th session of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC) which has just finished in Moscow. It gathered 87 scholars from all over the world. The topic chosen was 'Kinship Terms'. Consonant with it was 'Tuvan Terms of Kinship' presentation made by Liubov Kara-ool. It was listened to with much attention and provoked a lot of questions.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Deputy is Elected Head of the Union of Writers

Chylgychy Ondar, deputy of the State Duma. Photo courtesy of Ondar, deputy of the State Duma, is elected head of the Tuvan Union of writers. Ondar, actor by profession, represents Tuva in the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament since his election in 1999 from the post of the Vice-Prime-minister. In 2003 he was reelected. He is known as a talented playwrite. When he was minister of culture of Tuva his plays began being staged in the Tuvan Drama Theatre.
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Dina Oyun

Kurosawa's Autograph is on Sale

'Dersu Uzala' charity foundation is desperate to find financement for the up-coming Film Festival 'Following Dersu Uzala's Live Path' which is going to be held in Kyzyl in September. Its main initiators Galina and Svetlana Munzuk decided to sell one of the New Year greeting-cards sent by Akiro Kurosawa to Maxim Munzuk and spend the money received on the festival.
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Dina Oyun
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