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«    November 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Who is Who in Tuvan Science

A reference book 'Scientists of TIGI (Tuvan Institute for Humanities)' has Sevyan Vainshtein. Photo by Chimiza Lamajaa been released in Kyzyl. It is devoted to the 60th anniversary of the TIGI more known as Tuvan Scientific-Research Institute for Literature, History and Language. The book contains 108 articles on all the scientists ever working in the institute - from the pioneers of science in Tuva such as Alexandr Palmbakh (founder of the Tuvan written language), Leonid Chadamba (first director of the institute), Sevyan Vainshtein, Shuluu Sat to the present generation of scientists.
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Dina Oyun

Turnover of Mobile Phones

A curious fact has been recently registered by Tuvan militia - a stolen mobile phone was brought back by a Kyzyl customer. It turned out later that a young man who has spent all his fortune in a game house came to a shop and stole a phone when a shop-assistant was busy. He sold the expensive mobile phone worth 7000 rouble to his acquaintance at the price of 2000 rouble and went on gambling.
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Schit i Mech news-paper

Tuvan Wrestler has Turned the Strongest in Sumo Tournment

Ayas Mongush Ayas Mongush, 12 times khuresh winner at the Tuvan Championships, won the gold medal and a big sum of money (which was not specified) at the prestigeous 'Sumo Wrestler' tournment which has just finished in Moscow. In the final he defeated 190 kg heavy Vladimir Antonov from Kolomna city. All the fights could be watched online on
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French Schoolchildren will Follow Online Their Countriman's Visit to Tuva

Famous French researcher and adventurer Nicolas Vanier has held a press-conference devoted to his coming 3 months' journey on a dog-cart across Russian Siberia. Siberian “odyssey” will start Nicolas Vanier on December 2 from Lake Baikal and will end one hundred days later on the Red Square, Moscow. On this route there will be a 'Tuvan hook' - Nicolas will ride to Tuva from the North where a unique water-spring on the border between Irkutsk region and the Todja district of Tuva lies. It is the most diffucult stretch. almost unsurpassable. Still as the brave Frenchman underlined answering to a 'Tuva-Online's question it is the most beautiful place he heas ever been to.
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Dina Oyun

Young Teacher's Income in Rural Schools stands at 2000 Rouble (70 dollars)

Fundamentals of the Republican Target Program for the Youth Support are being discussed these days by the Tuvan deputies in the rural districts of Tuva. Yesterday parlamentarians had a session in Chadan, alexistrative centre of the Dzun-Khemchik district, meeting young specialists from Dzun-Khemchik, Baruun-Khemchik and Sut-Khol districts.
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Press-service of the Parliament

Tuvan Budget-2006 has Passed through 1st Reading

Photo by Vitali Shaifulin, parlamentarian press-service After hours-long discussion Tuvan Deputies has voted today for the 1st reading of the Republican Budget for 2006. The overall Tuvan budget will make up 7315 mln rouble (appr 245 mln dollars) with a deficit of 275 mln rouble. Deputies voted for the prognosis of the socio-economic development of Tuva for 2006 although it seemed too optimistic to parlamentarian's view.
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Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun

Tuvan Scientist is Elected into Candidates for the Public Chamber of Russia

13 candidates were elected at the Siberian Area Conference held in Novosibirsk. Out of these 13 the present members of the Public Chamber of Russia will elect 6 to be their colleagues in a newly set up body within the Russian power structure. Among 13 Siberian nominees is Natalia Dozhuldeevna Ondar, Tuvan scientist, sister of Tatiana Dozhuldeevna Mongush, federal inspector in the Putin's Representative Office in Tuva.
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Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun

Days of Russian Culture in Tuva

Oktai ensemble. Photo by Victor Titov Days of Russian Culture in Tuva, initiated by the Kyzyl Administration, will be held in the Tuvan capital during a week starting today. Folk Russian ensembles and performers from Tuva, including famous children's group 'Oktai', and from neighbouring regions will give a series of concerts. Russian folk games and sports competitions will take place. Days of Russian Culture will end on the 26th of November in a beaty contest among Russian girls.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Deputy Takes Part in the 4th World Parliamentarian's Convention on Tibet

Kaadyr-ool Bicheldei, deputy of the Great Khural of Tuva. Photo by the Tuvan parlamentary press-service Kaadyr-ool Bicheldei, deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Great Khural of Tuva, takes part in the 4th World Parliamentarian's Convention on Tibet which is held these days in Edunburgh (Great Britain). At the invitation of the Scottish Parliament's Cross Party and the Westminster Parliament's All Party Groups on Tibet, some 160 Parliamentarians from 40 countries have gathered to consider recent developments in Tibet, and to debate how best to reconcile the differences facing the Chinese and Tibetan peoples.
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Sayana Mongush

Unemployed Killed Guardian at the Gambling House

A guardian of one of the gambling machines houses in Kyzyl was found dead. In the course of a 'hot pursuit' militia detained a 24-year-old unemployed Kyzyl resident. He passed that whole day in the gambling house and spent all his fortune. He left the house and went to lend the money. When he came back the guardian did not let him in. He passionately tried to get through, but was firmly stopped, then he took out the knife and killed the guard.
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GTRK "Tyva"
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